Girls & Boys

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Beneath me there are secrets
My body is not my own
But rather, what I want it to be.
I clutch my books to an inflated chest.
All the pretty girls and boys

Above me is sweat, work, and talk.
Below me there was a removal
Polished shoes litter the floor
Too much talk of what is now
Crimson on my lips, blue in my eyes
All the pretty girls and boys

Around me there are faces.
Ones that have faith in a tomorrow
Arms around the girls that love, comrades talk
Of the inevitable crushes with mascara eyes and beauty
All of the pretty girls and boys

Inside me self doubt lurks
Nasty looks linger
Words swarm
Under my skin there is old and new, a holding place for an IV gallow
All the pretty girls and boys

Beside me are "friends"
They laugh and talk, trying very hard to see me there
Knuckles crack with ruby nails to accompany it
My blush accentuates
What should've been was long overthrown
Thirty minutes away from my house--room 103
Every change brings new questions,
To be or not to be
Along with other assortments
All the pretty girls and boys

Through me are new cosmetics and new clothes
Swarms of students come and go, having a sense of true identity
All the pretty girls and boys;
And none of them for me.

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