ii. memorial fights & car wrecks

Start from the beginning


"Well, we are not the reject pile!" She stated.


"This shit ends tonight!" Kate declared.


"What are we gonna do?" Simon asked.

"We're gonna go kills those preppy assholes!" Kate answered and then sat down beside Sydney.

They all began chanting Kate's name until Simon stood up on his seat. "When I say Shady, you say side!" He told them. "Shady!" He started off.




This chant continued until Deena caught their attention. "Guys! Come here! Come here!" She shouted. Simon, Kate and Sydney all went to the back of the bus where they saw a red car following them. They were throwing glass bottles at their bus and were clearly from Sunnyvale due to their red football uniform.

"You gotta be kidding me." Kate said in annoyance and anger.

"Hey, isn't that, uh..." Simon pointed to the girl in the car which caught the other three girls attention.

"Sam." Deena whispered. This caused her to grab the cooler as Simon mooned them.

"Sunnyvale sucks!" He said as he pulled his pants back up.

"Open the door." Deena ordered Kate. Kate looked at the open cooler in worry, as did Sydney. "Open the door!" Deena repeated herself.

Kate opened the door and grabbed the other side of the cooler. "This is definitely a good idea, right?" Kate asked her.

"No! It's stupid!" Sydney shouted at them both.

Kate and Deena only ignored her. "Deena?" Kate questioned.

Deena still didn't answer her. "On three, ok?" Deena told her.

"Are you sure?" Kate asked once more.

"Come on guys! Someone could get hurt!" Sydney warned them.

"One, two..."

"Deena!" Kate shouted at her.

"What?" Deena finally turned to her making Kate gasp.

When she finally had looked Kate and Sydney saw that Deena's nose was bleeding and they both gasped. "Your nose!" Kate stepped back and let go of the cooler, causing it to fly out of Deena's hands as well and land onto the car.

The car crashed into the woods. "Stop! Stop the bus!" Deena shouted at the bus driver.

• • •

Deena had gotten off the bus to go find Sam, much to her friends protest. The three had also gotten off the bus after discussing whether or not to.

"I fucking hate Sunnyvale." Kate grumbled as they trudged through the forest.

Sydney let out a breathy laugh. "Yeah! Fuck Sunnyvale!" Simon said enthusiastically. Kate and Sydney both shushed him.

"I love the enthusiasm but we don't need any Sunnyvale assholes trying to come find us out here." Sydney told Simon. He nodded in understanding and they continued to look for Deena in silence.

It wasn't long until they found her with Sam and the crashed car that had two Sunnyvale boys in it. "Oh shit!" Simon said in shock as he kneeled down to look at Sam, whose nose was bleeding and looked like she had been hurt pretty bad

"Ok, we should not be down here." Kate told them.

Deena only seemed to care about Sam's safety. "Shut up and help me carry her!" She ordered.

"We need to leave, like ten minutes ago." Kate tried rushing them. She didn't seem to really care about Sam, and honestly Sydney didn't either.

"We have to clear her airway." Simon said.

Deena slapped his hands away from Sam's face. "Quit it!" She yelled at him.

"Hey! I got this. Chill out." Simon tried assuring her, but Deena knew Simon and knew that he probably had no clue what he was doing. Simon turned to Sam. "I got this." He assured her as well. "How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked.

"Three." Sam answered correctly.

Simon smiled and turned back to Deena. "See? She's fine." He told her. Simon had spoke too soon and immediately after Sam had thrown up blood all over Simon's white shirt.

They all yelled in disgust and before long the police had came. They took Sam to the hospital and the two boys seemed to be fine.

The police had questioned all the teens involved, but nobody was a snitch. When Sheriff Goode had questioned Sydney, she didn't say much. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked her.

Sydney shrugged. "They got into an accident. Happens all the time." She stated simply.

THE CHAIN,  simon kalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now