Glorious Purpose Part I

Start from the beginning

"Now, this is where you will see where this version of Loki went." The voice said.

[Episode 1: Glorious Purpose]

2012 Thor asks where Loki has gone as his voice is nearly audible.

"Where'd he go?." Steve said.

The screen cuts to a dry desert. 'GOBI DESERT, MONGOLIA' appears on the screen. A portal opens as the being falls from the sky and lands in the desert near a village. The dust clears as Loki, who takes his mask off his mouth and tosses aside, sits up to see some people walk up to him. Loki just glares at them and quickly stands up on a rock.

"He is still in that 'ruling' position." Tony groaned.

"Well, this isn't the future Loki that Thor told us about." Natasha said. "Although, we would still kick his ass."

The people are just utterly confused. Loki tells them that he is of Asgard and is burdened with glorious purpose.

Everyone just roll their eyes.

The woman asks in Mongolian who he is and why he has come to their home.

"To terrorize, maybe." Clint said.

"Or worse, he could turn them into his slaves." Steve said.

Loki is about to answer, but he looks over to his left and sees a Timedoor open as strange armored people come out of it.

Everyone was confused on who these people were. Even Thor himself didn't know who these people were.

"Who are these morons?" Rocket asked.

The Timedoor closes. A minuteman scans the Tesseract. Loki looks over to the people and tells them a 'never mind' and walks over to the strangers. He tells them to not touch the Tesseract. Another portal opens up as B-15 passes through. She says that there appears to be a standard sequence violation and that the branch is growing at a stable rate. She looks the TemPad and it has identified the Variant Loki.

"What's a variant?" Scott asks.

"It's another word for prisoner." Rhodey responded.

Loki begs her pardon. She says that on  behalf of the Time Variance Authority, she has come to arrest Loki for his crimes against  the Sacred Timeline and demands him to put his hands up.

"So, Time Cops?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. Sounds like some." Rhodey said.

She says that he is coming with them. Loki questions about it. She prepares her staff and tells him that it's his last chance. Loki chuckles and says that he has had a long day of idiots in armored suits telling him what to do and tells them that it's their last chance. He tells them to get out of his way.

"Well, he's asking for it." Clint chuckled.

"You bet he is." Natasha agreed.

Hunter B-15 hits Loki's face with the weapon. Loki is moving in slow motion, only to be revealed that he is actually moving at 1/16 speed.

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