Chapter 4: Laying Low

Start from the beginning

I nod and we both leave as well.

(Four hours later)

Natasha's P.O.V

I'm now at a bar with Y/N and Yelena. Y/N is currently using a phone box nearby to try and contact Steve, while Yelena and I catch up.

I come back to our table to see Yelena patching up her arm.

Yelena then tells me that the gas was made by a widow from Melina's generation. She also told me that the gas freed her from the Red Room's control, but that she killed the widow that freed her.

As she continues to tell me more about the gas I go over to help her with her arm.

Natasha: Is that all there is left?

Yelena: Yep. It's the only thing that can stop Dreykov and his network of widows. He takes more every day, children who don't have anyone to protect them. Just like us when we were small. Hell I get the feeling if Y/N didn't have you and Dreykov knew about him, he would have taken him.

Natasha: Dreykov only takes girls.

Yelena: Given who his parents are I think he'd make an exception.

Natasha: Over my dead body. He'd have to kill me before I'd ever let him take Y/N and make him his personal killing machine.

Yelena: Dreykov would probably make him the next Taskmaster, or something worse.

I squeeze the cut slightly, which hurts Yelena, I then blow on it.

Yelena: Why'd you do that?

Natasha: It was something I used to do to Y/N when he was little.

Remembering that brought up some old memories.


(Queens, New York. 2001. Y/N's age: 3)

So Y/N and I are at the park, as I promised him I'd bring him here after I got back from my last mission with Clint.

I'm sitting on a bench watching Y/N run around like a little maniac.

As Y/N is running I see him trip over and fall to his knees.

My motherly instincts immediately kick in and I go over to check on him.

Natasha: Y/N, you okay, baby?

Y/N: My knee hurts, mama.

Natasha: Can I see?

He sits down and I look at his scratched up knee.

Natasha: Oh baby, does it hurt?

He rubs the tears off his face, not wanting them to come out.

Y/N: A little.

I lean down and gently blow on his knee and then kiss it.

Natasha: Does that feel better?

He nods and I help him up and dust off his clothes.

Natasha: Remember baby boy, pain only makes us stronger.

Y/N: (Softly) Yeah, I remember.

Natasha: And you're the strongest little boy in the world, you're just like you're daddy.

Y/N: I'll be strong like daddy.

Natasha: Good. Now come on, show mama a smile.

He starts to get embarrassed, but gives me his cutest little smile.

I then wipe away his tears and kiss him on the cheek.

Natasha: That's my baby boy. Now, how about we get you some ice-cream for being so strong.

He immediately perks up.

Y/N: Okay!

I take his hand and leave the park with him.

(Present day)

When I come back to reality I realise that I haven't been listening to Yelena talking.

Yelena: Hey, you okay?

Natasha: Huh? Oh, yeah yeah, I'm good. Your arm is good now too.

She nods and I go back to my seat.

Yelena: So, I'm guessing it's true then?

Natasha: Is what true?

Yelena: That Y/N's father is the Winter Soldier, HYDRA's top assassin.

I nod.

Natasha: Yeah, it's true. He and I met on a mission, at the time I didn't know he was the Winter Soldier. I must have helped break through the brainwashing as when we got together we were happy and normal. After a year of being together I became pregnant with Y/N, and after he was born James was recaptured by HYDRA and they made me believe he was dead.

Yelena: Wow, that must have been a shock to find out he was alive.

Natasha: It was.

Yelena then goes on to tell me how her birth certificate was destroyed, so she gave herself a new one so to speak. Apparently I'm a part-time teacher as I've just had a son and my husband renovated houses.

Natasha: That's not my story, aside from the son part.

Yelena: Well, he's a good kid, you've done a good job raising him.

Natasha: Thanks, it's been my favourite and most important job to date.

Yelena: Though I still don't understand how you were able to have him given what the surgery the Red Room does to us.

Natasha: Well, long story short I managed to get out of the Red Room before they could do the surgery.

Yelena: Makes sense I guess. I didn't get that lucky, but I do want a dog.

Natasha: So, where are you gonna go?

Yelena: I don't know. I don't have anywhere to go or to go back to, so I guess anywhere.

I lean forward.

Yelena: Don't.

Natasha: Don't what?

Yelena: You're gonna give me some big hero speech, I can feel it.

I chuckle.

Natasha: Speeches are more Y/N's thing than mine.

Yelena: Huh.

Natasha: It was more like an invitation.

Yelena: To go to the Red Room with you and Y/N to kill Dreykov?

Natasha: Yeah.

Yelena: Even though the Red Room is impossible to find, and Dreykov is too slippery to kill?

Natasha: Yeah.

Yelena: That sounds like a shitload of work.

Natasha: Yep. It could be fun though.

Yelena: Yep.

Natasha: I saw where he put the keys.

Yelena: Top drawer, green cabinet.

We then see Y/N come back over, he picks up his drink and looks at us.

Y/N: Hey guys, what's going on?

Yelena: The three of us are going to find the Red Room and take it down.

Natasha: You in?

He smiles.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm in.

The three of us tap our glasses together.

Black Widow X Scarlet Spider Male Reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now