2 - Worried

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Midnight - ;)

Present mic - Loudmouth

Eraserhead - sleepyhead

Cementos - Cementos

Nezu - God

Power loader - Digger

recovery girl - UA granny

Snipe - snipe

Izuku Midoryia - blank

Vlad king - Not the king

All might - small might

Hound dog - Woof

13 - Void


Chapter 2


Ua staff chat

3 pm 3 days later

;) : Has anyone heard from Blank?

Several people have come online

God : no, It's slightly concerning.

Sleepyhead : If anything has happened to them I will hurt you all

;) : dadzawa

Loudmouth : nem now's not the time sho's really stressed

;) : you're no fun :(

God : I've tried tracking their device but it's impossible

void : do we know the area they live in?

God : I know they live in musatfu just not anything else about them

Void : shit

Loudmouth :

Insomia gang


Blank : Mind, do you happen to know how to stitch cuts?

Mind gamer : what did you do?

Blank : I was jumped by kachan in an ally and one of his friends had a blade quirk

Mind gamer : I'll send a video

Mind gamer : Sent video

Blank : thanks mind!

Blank is offline

UA staff chat 

5 pm 

Blank is online

Blank : Mind I lived.

Several people are typing

Blank : Shoot wrong chat

Sleepyhead : What the hell kid!? I've been worried sick about you! 

UA granny : Why would you need to tell someone you lived?

Loudmouth : Oh thank god you're okay

woof : How are you doing?

;) : You're alive! 

God : I must admit you scared me there 

blank : 

blank : i'm just going to go...

God : no.

Blank  or not

Blank : sorry I made you worry- 

;) : it's fine, could yo tell us why you'd be telling your friend that you lived? 

Blank : it's nothing for you to worry about

UA granny : please tell us we're only trying to help.

Woof : yes, please blank.

Blank : fine

Blank : so like my friend/ bully really likes beating me up right? a few days ago he saw me in an ally and he and a new friend of his beat me up, they had some sort of blade quirk so I was just cut really badly and had to clean myself up. lol

sleepyhead : can I have this kids number? I just want to talk

;) : i'll help

woof : uh

UA granny : Did you go to the hospital?

Blank : heck no. my friend sent a video of how to clean and stitch cuts so I just did that.

UA granny : you know it could be infected?

Blank : It's not, i've done this type of thing before and i lived

UA granny : does your mother know about this? 

Blank : heck no. She'd start homeschooling me.

small might : who is this kid?

Blank : All might is here?

God : yes he's joining our staff next year, I hope I can trust your discretion.

Blank : yeah Idrgaf about him so sure.

Sleepyhead : oh damn

;) : no swearing!

small might : I don't know what I did-?

Blank : mhm, course you dont

loudmouth : why can I tell how malicious that was ment to sound over text?

God : if you don't mind me asking what did he do?

Blank : crushed my dreams lol

Snipe had changed small might's nickname to target practice

Snipe : I havn't spoken with you here much but I've read this and if anything happens to you I will shoot everyone in this chat and then myself.

;) : ^

sleepyhead : ^ 

god : ^ 

Digger : ^

loudmouth : ^ 

void : ^ 

Blank : please don't do that! I'm not worth your lives! please don't get hurt because of me.

sleepyhead : I want names

Blank : What?

sleepyhead : I want the names of the people who have hurt you

;) : dadzawa. 

;) : but I want those names too

blank : I think it is in their best interests not to give you the names

;) : I just wanna talk

loudmouth : Nem why do you have your whip

Blank : anywayyyyyyy uhhhh miss midnight h-how's life?

woof : he just stuttered over text

;) : it's been better

Blank : sorry to hear that!

;) : also miss midnight is the cutest name anyone's ever called me

;) has changed their name to miss Midnight

Void : I want a name too!

Blank : uhh okay

Blank has changed Void's name to perfect oblivion

Perfect Oblivion : 

loudmouth : ha they're crying

blank : I have an idea 

Blank has changed there name to little listener

Perfect Oblivion: ha now who's crying! 

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