love confessing

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Hey this is fluff. I think it's Hurt/Comfort. There is love..
Basically it's Loki In his Jotun form and Mobius comforting him.

"Hey stay with me, okay." Mobius calls out. Loki feels his heart pumping fast, his whole body feels panicky. "Calm down Loki." Loki sees Mobius's hand reach out to him. Loki's heart skips and he jerks away. "Hey, hey, it's okay." Mobius pulls his hand back. Loki shakes his head, not looking at Mobius. Instead he looks down at his shaky hands.

Loki closes his eyes as soon as he sees them. Blue can be seen all on his hands and arms. He can be sure that his whole body is the same, blue and his eyes deep red. Hideous, Loki thinks. He can feel Mobius eye him, but he himself doesn't want to look at the other.

"Loki." Mobius's voice is soft. "Loki, please look at me." Loki doesn't really know why but that voice, the way Mobius is calm, makes him try to calm down. He takes a deep breath and slowly opens his eyes, his head still low. Mobius smiles softly at Loki, he wants Loki to talk with him, to know that he doesn't have to hide. Mobius really adores Loki and wants to help him.

Mobius sees the Jotun being, slowly look up and try to make eye contact. Mobius's eyes meets Loki's deep red eyes that are dripping with tears. "Let me," Mobius slowly places his hand below Loki's eye and wipes away some tears. He does the same to the other side of Loki's face, Loki let him.

Loki didn't know he had been crying, he didn't feel the tears fall. "You know, you don't have to panic over this. I know that you are from Jotunheim Loki." Mobius pulls away and looks at Loki. Loki nods at him and sniffles. Loki doesn't know why he's showing weakness, he should be strong. Mobius's presence seems to make him lower his guard.

"I don't know if you want to hear this, but I'll say it anyway. Loki, I think your Jotun form or whatever you call it, is beautiful." Mobius caves in and says what's on his mind. Loki looks at him confused but Mobius continues. "To be honest, Loki I really like you. No matter what skin tone or form you take, it's still you." Loki can't believe what he is hearing.

Mobius must only be complimenting him to keep him calm or something. But it's doing kind of the opposite, Loki doesn't know what to think or do. Mobius can tell that Loki is confused and Loki is just adorable when he is. Mobius places a hand on Loki's face and stares at him with care. "What?" Loki mumbles out, not sure on what's happening.

"Loki, I'm saying that I like you." Mobius rubs a thumb on Loki's cheek. "Well, I think I love you." Loki gulps and feels his heart beat fast for a different reason now. "Why are you saying this now?" Loki questions. "I don't know, I just figured I'd say it now. No real reason." Mobius smiles at him and pulls his hand off of Loki.

Loki takes a deep breath and feels Mobius's touch leave him. He wanted Mobius to touch him more, it felt nice. Loki looks down to avoid Mobius's eyes. He doesn't know if he should let Mobius know about him questioning how he feels about Mobius too. Mobius had already told him but he doesn't want to open up more than he already has.

"Mobius?" Loki speaks softly. "Yes?" Mobius asks, ready to give Loki whatever he asks for. "Are you saying that you are in love with me?" Loki looks at Mobius with sad and hopeful eyes. Mobius could swear he can feel his heart sink. Mobius knows that Loki must have a hard time with love and past relationships. Mobius wants to love and care for Loki with all of his heart.

"Yes, I do love you." Mobius straight up confesses and takes Loki's hands in his own. Loki stares at him with teary eyes and exhales like he was holding in a breath. "You are not messing with me are you Mobius?" Loki lightly squeeze Mobius's hands. "Loki, I am not messing with you, this is how I really feel." Mobius assures him.

Loki sighs and nods and a tear falls. "I also think I love you." Loki finally says it. Mobius's face lit up and he smiles at him. "You do?" Mobius stares into Loki's ruby red eyes. "Yes, Mobius," Loki smiles softly and nods. Loki goes in for a hug, one that he really needs right now.

Mobius didn't see it coming but doesn't move away. Mobius wraps his arms around Loki and holds him close. Loki feels safe right now and hugs Mobius tight as if he'll might lose him if he let go right now. Little does Loki know, Mobius isn't going anywhere, he won't leave him. "I love you so much," Mobius kisses Loki's neck.

Yay, happy ending ☺️

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