THREE┊a keen eye

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❝ a treacle. you know, something sweet. ❞

JOSPEHINE WAS BACK IN LONDON within the week and didn't waste much time jumping back into work. Standing on the stage during rehearsal in the early afternoon, Josephine waited for the other actors, lines in hand as she recited them in her head a few times. So engrossed in trying to get into character that she didn't see Thomas Shelby walking towards her, the man ignoring whoever it was trying to tell him that the theatre was not open to the public that day. As if Tommy would care.

   "Josephine, a word." That was all the man said before going off to her dressing room. Rolling her eyes and sighing with exasperation, she followed after him, knowing that she couldn't exactly ignore him if he was already in the building.

Upon entering her dressing room, he was already sat down, waiting somewhat patiently for her to enter. She did, closing the door behind herself and sitting on the desk, raising a questioning eyebrow.

   "I've got business in London, and came by to see you and Ada," Tommy said, leaning back in his chair. His stare was always so scrutinising, but it never made Josephine falter. She just found it mildly irritating.

   "It's only been a few weeks since I last saw you," Josephine reminded him. "Surely you didn't miss me already. I know I'm a pleasure to be around but-"

   "I got word, Josephine."

   "Word about what?"

   "You." Tommy picked up a bottle of whiskey someone had left for her as a gift after one of her shows, setting down two glasses and filling them both, handing one to Josephine. She took it but placed it back down, knowing she couldn't drink while working. "John had to cut a someone who'd gone blabbing about you, saying you were one of them flapper girls, doing exotic dancing in London." Taking a swig from the glass, Tommy placed the glass down with a bit of force. "You don't need to do anything of that, you hear? You're a Shelby, and you don't need to do that shit for money."

   "I'm also twenty-two-years-old-"

   "Yeah, just about-"

   "And I don't exactly need your permission," Josephine finished, not appreciating his interruption. "I'm making my own money, and however I do that is my choice."

   "I don't care. You're not doing that stuff anymore," Tommy shrugged, as if it wasn't up for discussion at all. In his eyes, it wasn't. In all fairness, Josephine wasn't even doing any of "exotic" stuff anymore, but the flapper girl stuff hadn't exactly fizzed away yet. It was fun for her.

   "I don't do the dancing anymore, so you can stop your whining," Josephine picked up her own glass and taking a swig. Maybe I do need a drink if I need to deal with this.

   "You may not do the dancing, but you still hang around those girls," Tommy pointed out.

   "What? Scared of some girls being free to do what they please? Drinking? Having sex? Dressing inappropriately," she scoffed with a laugh. "Nothing wrong with any of it, Tommy. You-" she pointed a finger at him. "- Just need to get with the times. They're changing."

Josephine heard her name being called from the stage, and picked up her papers, signifying that the conversation was over with. Tommy stood up, and placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from leaving.

   "Have your bags packed by the end of the week - there's a Shelby Foundation Dinner you need to attend. And If I hear any more about this, I'm bringing you back to Birmingham permanently. I'm sure I can find you a job to occupy yourself with."

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 , alfie solomonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora