Chapter 1

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They say the scariest things are the most unexpected things, things did seem scary when my best friend, Bella-Rose Velez, and I moved away to Indiana for college. First I might want to introduce myself, hi I'm Jeremiah Korey, and this is my story about how my part-time job turned into my death.

I knew Bella-Rose since birth. Her dad was a mechanic, and the name Bella-Rose conjures up an elegant girl who never likes dirt on her hands; that's not her. She is a tomboy who loves to get dirty, but she is beautiful; her mother gave her the name expecting her to act like the name proclaimed, but instead she admired her father and followed him around, sometimes even helping him in the factory.

Chester's Rodeo was one of her father's many employers. He was not a server, he made animatronics. He would give us free tokens which was very cool.  Whenever we showed him our homework, he gave us 10 tokens for each question we got right.

He died of an overdose when we were 17 years old. We both got part-time jobs at a local Chester's Rodeo after moving away for college. Bella-Rose got the mechanic while I was a server, although we had very different positions, we were happy together.


Word count: 214

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