2 - Want a Demonstration?

Start from the beginning

My eyes were closed in concentration but I felt him shudder beside me.

The others must have looked concerned because Thor quickly said, "It's okay. She's not hurting me, it's just a little... strange."

I felt my power vibrate for a few more seconds. Using this aspect of my power for the first time in many years was disorientating. I let go of Thor's hand, still feeling the connection between us, and cupped my hands in front of my body.

I looked to Thor, "Like this?" I asked. It had been a long time since I'd tried this.

"A bit flatter." He corrected.

I did as he instructed and then completely opened myself up to the connection, allowing it to overtake me. Lightning sparked between my fingers and up my arms. I closed my hands into fists, ending the burst of light. I felt myself loose balance and stumbled slightly. Thor had clearly been expecting this and was there to steady me.

"I feel sick." I whispered, not wanting the other's to hear.

"I know." Thor whispered back.

"Good now?" I asked the room at large as Thor helped me into a seat.

"How long can you keep doing that after you stop touching someone?" Stark asked.

I shrugged, "I can't retain it for long, it depends on a lot of factors."

"Anything else?"

I drank some water. I felt drained, from just a small use of power. It had been so long since I had used that power. I called it borrowing. Not a fancy term but accurate.

I raised my hand, concentrating. I made and fist and twisted my wrist. The potted plant behind Stark's chair tipped over as thick roots shattered the ceramic, twisting themselves around the back of his seat.

"It has to be organic, so don't expect much from me in a place like New York city." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "These things tire me out very quickly. I've never used them frequently or on a large scale so I don't know if I would improve or what. A sick joke really, he gave a girl surrounded by plants the ability to grow more plants. He gave to a girl who was totally isolated the ability to use other people's powers but only through touch." I slumped back into my seat, already knowing the waves of exhaustion rolling over me would overtake me soon.

"Show them the other thing." Thor said quietly.

"I'm not doing that." I growled.

"What other thing?" Stark asked, leaning forward. He barely even acknowledged that he would need to be replacing his seat.

"It doesn't matter because I'm not doing it." I replied, rubbing my face. I felt thoroughly drained and physically sick. I used my power for small things. I helped my flowers grow. I made the wisteria on my front door bloom. Little, subtle, gradual things. Growing something fast, directing where it grew, that took more power, more energy.

"If it's important-" Steve Rogers, who I knew better as Captain America, began but I cut him off.

"I haven't used it in a very long time. I refuse to use it. It's ... wrong." I knew I probably shouldn't have cut off Captain America mid-sentence but at this point I didn't care. He'd been strangely quiet the entire time I'd been there, like he was evaluating me.

They looked at each other quizzically before turning to Thor, who had become their go to on all issues Roara related.

"She can be very... persuasive." Thor told them. This seemed to tell them enough.

"You're not looking so hot." Steve noted.

I groaned. "No shit, I just used powers no human should ever have been given for the first time in over fifty years. It doesn't compute with the parts of me that are still human. There's a reason Thor and Loki aren't human." I was tired, physical sick, and pissed off. Pissed off that I was here, that I was being shown off like some show at a circus, that I was having my past dredged up for everyone to see.

"Maybe you should rest." Natasha suggested.

"That would be good. It's been a... very long day." I looked to Thor. He was the only one I really knew here.

He stood up and gave me his hand, again. Gratefully I took it, using him as a crutch.

"Three floors down, second on the right." Stark called after us.

Together we walked to the room in silence. Thor placed a thumb on a pad next to the door and it swung open, revealing a modern looking suit complete with a bed, desk, wardrobe and separate shower room. Thor helped me onto the bed and sat on the seat by the desk. He tried unsuccessfully to swivel it round to face me twice before he finally managed it.

"I'm still pissed off at you." I muttered. "I just don't have the energy to shout."

"Well, it's an emergency." He said matter of factly.

I scoffed. "You haven't said hello to me in 70 years and then turn up at my door with a giant flying machine saying come with me now or I'll just carry you? You didn't give me a chance to decide, no autonomy, you didn't even tell me why."

He groaned and gave me a hard stare before finally saying, "Would you like me to have called ahead? Next time I find a way to see into the future about the safety of the world, I'll do that."

"Even so, you shouldn't have mentioned the... other thing. You know I don't use it." I muttered.

"It's useful."

"It's perverted."

He interlocked his hands together, placing them in his lap. "I know you look at the news, that you know about Loki and what he's done in recent years."

"The Alien thing?" I asked.

Thor nodded. "It includes that."

"You think he's planning to come back?"

He nodded again.

I rolled my eyes skyward. "If I see him again he's getting what's coming to him."

After a long pause and an awkward throat clearing Thor said in a very quiet voice, "I should have checked up on you more. Come to see you."

I laughed dryly, "Good lord, is this Thor Odinson apologising to me? Wow, what'll happen next? I'll finally become mortal? Pigs will fly?"

Thor said nothing.

"I need to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow." I said to him. He got up and left, glancing at me as he got to the door.

"Still no ageing?" He asked, his arm on the doorframe, not even looking at me.

"I don't look a day over 19. Not one grey hair or wrinkle. I suppose I look good for 421." I smiled sadly and waited for Thor to leave.

As soon as I heard the click of the latch I finally allowed the tears to come.

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