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Docs laying on his back on the couch, one hand buried in his young lovers hair, the other over the arm of the couch open like he'd previously had something in his hand. Lightning is settled between his legs, head on the older stomach, curled up under a blanket. both are snoring, though Doc is snoring louder than the other. Sally pauses in the doorway with Red standing behind her. the whole town knew Lightning was sick and fighting some cold. Red whines and pulls on her arm gently.

"Red we have to wake Doc. Sarge needs him." Sally murmurs. he walks in hesitantly behind her. she frowns at the coffee mug laying on the ground. its laying on it's side, cracked, and there's coffee all over the floor. Doc must've been having a cup of coffee and fell asleep. "can you get something to clean this up?" Sally ask, handing the cup up to Red when she crouches down. Red nods and grabs the cup, taking it to the kitchen. he comes back with a small towel and cleans up the floor carefully. "Doc?" Sally ask, shaking him gently.

"fever 102." he mumbles quietly. Sally shakes her head and grabs his arm shaking it. immediately Docs eyes snapped open. "hmm?" he asks.

"Doc. hey, I hate to wake you up, especially when you've probably been up all night with Stickers, but Sarge needs you." Sally said.

"hmm? what happened?" Doc asks.

"not entirely sure." Sally said. Doc nods slightly and slowly sits up.

"need someone to stay with him." Doc murmured, gently petting the youngers hair. Lightning sniffled and cuddled closer to him, not waking.

"thats what Reds here for." Sally said, getting up. Doc nods and carefully gets up, letting Red take his place. there's a sweat puddle in the shape of Lightnings curled up body on him.

"lemme go get changed." Doc mumbled, stretching. Sally nods and looks over at Red. he's taken up a similar position to Doc, except he'd pulled the younger up to his chest. Lightning shifts and mumbles quietly. "he's got a bad fever. run your fingers through his hair he'll stop squirming." Doc murmurs, following Sally out the door. Red gently brushed his fingers through the younger mans hair and the younger sighs softly.

when Doc comes back about two hours later, the two were still laying on the couch, though Red looked exhausted. he was passed out holding the younger. Doc smiles slightly and heads for the bathroom. not only does he smell like Lightnings sweat, but he also smelt like his own. he heads for the shower, stripping down and allowing himself to relax in the water, sighing. he pauses when the bathroom door opens and someone walks in.

"oh hey kid." Doc smiles slightly, when the younger pokes his head into the shower. "sorry to wake you. you feeling any better- I guess not since you're getting in with your clothes on..." Doc mutters when Lightning climbs in and cuddles to his chest. he closes his eyes and cuddles to Doc. "hey, do you feel any better at all baby?" Doc ask.

"m'all sweaty. made Red all sweaty too." he mumbles.

"thats okay." Doc assures, kissing his forehead. "come on, strip down. you're gonna need new clothes." Doc murmurs. Lightning nods and lets Doc help him strip down. Doc tosses the youngers clothes into the sink and holds him. someone knocks on the bathroom door and clears their throat, cracking the door open a little. "he's in here with me Red." Doc says.

"Cruz is here." Red murmurs quietly.

"shit." Doc murmurs.

"help me out Red." Lightning mumbles. Red frowns a little, but Doc shuts off the water and grabs his towel, wrapping it around the younger and helping him out of the shower. Red grabs him gently and leads him to the bedroom. Doc pulls his clothes on easily and heads out. he looks at the bed and Reds already got the younger in a pair of boxers and sweat pants.

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