Relatives Revealed

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Mumbai, 15th January, 2012, Agnihotri Mansion

Ankush Agnihotri was calmly reading the newspaper when someone closed his eyes.

"Lavanya." He guessed.

"Bhai, how do you always know?"

"Because I do."

"I missed you!" She hugged him.

"Then who told you to stay away for so long?"

Lavanya grunted. "Chacha chachi don't give me enough taunts, now you've started too."

"I have a surprise for you." Ankush's eyes twinkled with mischief.

"You only told me she's back. And married too. Don't know when and to whom.  Come to think of it, how could you all just accept it?"

"You'll know when you see him."


Khushi was aiming for the dinner table as her stomach was grumbling after her early morning sickness. In her haste and disorientation about her old house, she ended up in the living room.

"Fuck, I'm hallucinating." She didn't realize she had shouted which earned her a look from the occupants.



"Bhai, am I sleepwalking? Daydreaming?"

"Bhai??" Lavanya was stunned seeing her.

"Bhai!" Khushi screamed.

Ankush came to his sister and brought her to the sofa making her sit down. "Did you get your morning sickness already?"


"Morning sickness?" Lavanya asked.

"Bhai, I am hallucinating. Pinch me."

Ankush pinched her and Khushi opened her eyes properly.

"Okay I'm not. It really is you."

"What are you doing here? Why is my cousin calling you Smiley? And what the hell did he mean by morning sickness?"


Arnav entered the living room looking around. "Bhai, have you seen..." He was shocked by the third occupant. Lavanya?

Ankush looked at Lavanya. "That's why. Meet your Smiley. Khushi Agnihotri. Now Khushi Agnihotri Raizada. Oh, also a month pregnant."

Khushi hugged Lavanya. "I didn't know! Bloody Merlin, Bhai! Why the hell didn't you tell me. I have been dying to see my cousin for years and she was right beside me since past four months!?" Lavanya screamed.

"Ankush, how do you know Lavanya?" Arnav asked, taking a seat.

"Arnav she's my cousin." Khushi said.


"Lavanya Kashyap. Daughter to the younger Kashyap brother. My Chhote Mama's daughter." Ankush provided.

Lavanya was looking at Khushi like she had hit a jackpot. "I can't believe it's really you."

"How did you guys not know?" Arnav asked, lost for words.

"ASR, you know my parents live in London."

"Yes, so?"

"I only knew Smiley for a year before I shifted to London."

"I was 12."

"I was 14."

Then both of started laughing.

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