Part 2

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Hours pass by and the tears slowly stop. The control of my body soon returns and I dash through the woods again. He follows my every move. I don't scream out to him anymore. I only run. My mind is void of any thoughts. Just the way I want it. The tears have depleted my strength enough already. I do not need my thoughts slowing me down more.

"Arella, you must think." His voice startles me and I slow down, but only for a second. Back at my normal pace, I ignore his voice. In the year he was by my side, he never spoke to me. He can't seem to stop now. "Please, think."

I refuse to listen to him. He will not tell me what to do. I am being childish at the moment and I know I will take his advice soon or later, but I refuse to give in right now. He will not get to control me. This creature, my stalker, stood by and drove me crazy for a year. Never once did he tell me what he did not want nor who he was. Now, out of nowhere, he is giving me demands. I will not listen to him.

"Please listen to me. You must. If you do not you will die."

Nothing. I will do nothing. He only wants to make me crazier. I won't answer him. I won't listen to him. I won't register he's even there.

Hours pass and he does not stop telling me to think and I don't stop running. I won't get tired for a few days and I'm sure he knows this about me. I am not just a normal vampire after all. My mother was the first vampire ever created. When she had me, the powers I attained were not as good as hers; but they were very close and have only been getting better over time. My mother is dead now.

"Arella, listen to me! You need to save yourself! They are all out to get you!"

I just keep ignoring his voice. I reach a lake. The water is gorgeous with the pinks and oranges reflecting from the sunset. I decide to take a rest. I do not need it, but it seems like a nice time and place. A large gray stone sits on the shoreline. I take it up as a seat and watch the sun dip behind the trees and the pink sky turn to a brilliant deep dark blue with specks of shining white stars. Staring into the depths of the universe, a hand lands on my shoulder and grips it tight as it wrenches me from my peaceful make-shift chair and relaxed mental state. A soaring, powerfully built man positioned before me in a dingy, aged, inky blue trench coat and with stunning elegance and swiftness he lunges for my silky, lean, pastel collar and slashes my head from my body before I can respond. Letting the delectable, mouth-watering red liquid of life stream from the gash, he strolls away with a smile on his bitter dispassionate features.

As I watch my body in disbelief, floating above in the form of a spirit, I see the creature, or should I say, man stride over to my body. He lowers himself slowly and gracefully to the ground to kiss me on my now cold hard cheek which reeks of death and the irony smell of blood. Then, the man who was right all along, peered up at me, looked me in my see-through blue eyes, and said out loud in the same deep husky voice that had echoed through my head only minutes ago "I tried to warn you, my love."

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