Chapter 1: A Decade of Ghostly Fun

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Welcome to my Remake/Reboot of my Danny Phantom fanfic, The Phantom King. As i stated in an update I posted on the original this new version will retain the main plot and story of the original but will contain several new changes that weren't in the original. This fanfic takes place ten years after the events of Phantom Planet so Danny, Sam and Tucker are 24 turning 25 also this fanfiction uses plot and characters from the original show, Butch Hartman's Youtube Channel and my own original ideas. Now with that all out of the way, please enjoy this fanfic.

Also I don't on Danny Phantom. Rights are owned by Nickelodeon and show was created by Butch Hartman.

Danny's POV (Thoughs):
My name is Daniel "Danny" Phantom and for the last 10 years I have been the world savior, protector and superhero half-ghost known as Danny Phantom. You all know by now what happened, I walked into my parents ghost portal which gave me ghost superpowers, used those powers to protect my home, Amity Park, from evil ghosts such as Skulker, Vlad Plasmius, Pariah Dark and even an evil version of myself from the future, I saved the world from a giant asteroid with the help of my friends and enemies both human and ghost, revealed my identity to the whole world and kissed my now girlfriend Sam.

But now let me tell you what happened after that. After the world found out my identity, the public started swarming me with praise and paparazzi was on my ghostly tail 24/7 and the Guys In White were constantly trying to kill me. Thankfull, Tucker who is now the Mayor of Amity Park (re-elected 3 times now) instated laws that forbid ghost hunting in Amity Park without permission from the Mayor (and being his best friend, I obviously got that permission) and as for the paparazzi, they cooled down after a couple of years and started bothering some other celebrities.

After graduating from Casper High, Sam, Tucker and I all went to Fenton University and after finishing we continued our careers as ghost fighters. Tucker has been advancing Amity Park into a Techno Metropolis while all working as the Technical supperviser for Team Phantom. Speaking of Team Phantom, thats what we officially named ourselves and even got my DP logo on everyone suits, also Mom and Dad joined the team full time shortly after i revieled my identity to them and have become a huge help with fighting ghost and building new ghost hunting equipment. Jazz left for university a year after I revieled my identity and is now a psychology professor at Yale aswell as a reliable member of Team Phantom with her Nanobot suit of armour. Valerie also joined the team and started dating Tucker a few years ago, though things were strained between her and the team she has now become a reliable and trustworthy member of the team.

And then of course there is Sam who is now my main partner in both ghost-fighting and romance and became an incredibly bad-ass fighter. The two of us have been dating ever since I saved the planet, though we have fought from time to time, being with Sam has been probably the best part of the last 10 years and I wouldn't change it for the world.

But now that you've been all caught up, let's now cut to me being stuffed into a metal crate by the Box Ghost.

Danny's POV:
"Owwww!" I screamed as the Box Ghost stuffed my limbs into a metal crate causing my foot to hit my own face. "For ghosts sakes someone give me a hand here!"

"In case you haven't noticed we're all pretty busy at the moment!" Valerie replied through her communicator while she was currently fighting Box Lunch, the daughter of the Box Ghost and the Lunch Lady Ghost alongside Tucker. "Yeah man, this little kid is surprisingly tough, must be all that meat." Tucker replied aswell.

"Sorry sweetie but we're a bit busy here too!" Mom replied aswell who was battling the Lunch Lady Ghost alongside my dad. "Yeah, we've got some leftovers that need to be taken out to the trash." My dad quipped as he continued firing his Ecto-Bazooka at the Lunch Lady Ghost who had covered herself in a giant meat monster.

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