Start from the beginning

"You have heart," the man spoke, his voice oddly soft-sounding, almost in a comforting manner before he raised the head of his spear towards Barton. Amelia watched her friend's eyes turn a deep black before forming into an electric blue color that filled her with uneasiness. Clint lowered his weapon completely, slipping it into the holster at his side. Her mind immediately went to the conclusion of mind control. 

She stayed beneath the desk, her mind swirling with questions as she tried to figure out what to do. There were many options but it was hard to know what the outcome would be. She could be killed if she tried anything too drastic. It was not safe to even move out from beneath the desk. But if she stayed, she knew things would not end well. She could see the blue energy building up in the vacuum seal, knowing if it got to a certain point; it could cause something terrible. Catastrophic even.

Her eyes land on Nick as he removes the tesseract from its holder and places it into a suitcase that was made for the cube. Amelia moved from out of the desk, across the tiled floor before hiding behind one of the many filing cabinets that kept physical copies of readings. Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched this mysterious man move to the many SHIELD agents, pressing his spear to them as he had done with Clint. Their minds were in his hands to do with whatever he wanted with them. 

Nick closed the suitcase, getting up from the ground to move out of the lab with the tesseract. However, he hadn't even taken a few steps when he was found out. 

"Please don't. I still need that," the man spoke, his voice still soaked in that gentle tone that made her feel comfortable. It should not make her feel that way. But there was something about him that gave her a feeling of comfort and safety. It made her sick. 

Fury pursed his lips, turning to face him, "this doesn't have to get any messer."

"Of course it does. I have come too far for anything else," he began to speak, holding his head proudly, "I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

Her heart dropped for a second when she heard him announce his identity. She had not been expecting this man to be from Asgard. Let alone be the god of mischief himself. She remembered reading the Norse mythology stories when sitting on the living room floor at home when she stilled lived in New Mexico with her father and their friends. She had wanted to know more of who their visitor from a year ago had claimed to be. 

"Loki? Brother of Thor?" she heard her father speak, bringing her out from her thoughts. The moment her father had mentioned the god of thunder, she could see Loki's face contort into disgust before he turned his attention back to Fury, determined to get the case that the director held tightly in his hand. 

"We have no quarrel with your people," Nick spoke in an attempt to calm down the current situation. 

The man looked to Nick, "An ant has no quarrel with a boot," he stated simply, making Amelia feel uneasy. What did he plan on doing? Why was he there? Her mind raced with questions just wanting to know every answer to them. 

"Are you planning to step on us?" Fury questioned, looking towards the god with cautiousness, trying to decide if he was a big enough threat. He already knew he was a threat when he began to place control over his agents. 

Loki shook his head, a smile coming to his face, "I come with glad tidings, of a world made free."

"Free from what?" 

"Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart," Loki began to say, turning swiftly to face her father before placing the tip of the golden scepter against his chest, where his heart was. Amelia watched in horror as her father's eyes turned a deep black, changing into the electric blue that made her feel uneasy. "You will know peace," the god whispered softly, his eyes making brief contact with Amelia's as she peaked out from behind the filing cabinet. 

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