⊰ One ⊱

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Y/n Pov:

It hadn't taken long before the news reached me. The messenger bird came to my window early one morning, the sun was shining as the forest began to come alive after a peaceful night. From the window in which the bird appeared, I could see the lanterns hanging from the trees in the distance. Still lighting up the shade cast by the trees.

I had set up the lanterns to keep the hostile mobs from roaming into the area after the sun went down. It made the area much safer for both the animals and myself. On cloudless nights, when I'm unable to sleep, I would make a habit of going out to lay under the stars. Often times I would fall asleep in the soft grass.

I let out a sigh as I took the note from the messenger bird. I couldn't help but remember the times we would lay out there all night in each other's company. That was before he left. I never knew where he had gone, or if he was ever going to return.

I figured the note was from my sibling. We didn't keep in touch much anymore, they would only occasionally update me on some of the events occurring, wherever he was staying. I could never remember the name of it.  The last time I had received anything from them was about the destruction of some country near him, El Mantopia or something like that. There were always too many different places they would mention, I could never keep track of them all.

The bird watched intently as I began to untie the red string from around the letter that had been previously tied to its foot. I unrolled the paper gingerly and immediately recognized the handwriting inside. The letter read:

My Dearest Y/n,

It has been quite some time since my last letter to you, for that, I apologize. Things had been fairly peaceful in the SMP since L'Manburg's destruction. Until more recently.

I had noticed that the last couple of letters they had sent me were written more formally than he had used to write in the past. I assumed that we were both just drifting further apart and that they weren't sure if writing more casually would be appropriate.

I received a message from Tommy, he's the one I told you about a few letters ago, the tall British kid. Within the message he left for me, along with payment of course, upon request, I gathered all of the citizens from nearby lands that would agree to join me.

I figured you would be intrigued by the details of this job, as it wouldn't be the stuff you would normally expect. It called for us to travel through the nether before we entered another portal into a vault.

The ending resulted in how you would guess. My former employer ended up being arrested for various crimes around the lands. I think this is the time I finally come clean to you. Previously, I had told you I knew nothing about the man who was paying me to fight on his side of wars.

As he is no longer paying me not to tell you that he's here, I can now tell you that Dream is locked away in prison. For a long time. Do what you wish with this information.

Your favorite brother,

I could feel my hands shaking slightly as my eyes continued down the page. I couldn't believe it. This whole time Dream had been with my brother. It felt like so long since I've heard his name, but that didn't mean I didn't think of him. Longing for him to return for years, and for things to return to normal.

Now, look at where he is, trapped in prison for crimes that haven't been mentioned. I never would have thought in all of that time we spent together that this was where he would end up.

I read over the letter from Punz over and over again, trying to get some sort of answers to all of my questions in their vague writing.

What could Dream have done to warrant this punishment? Why would he pay my sibling not to tell me he was with them? Why did he leave in the first place?

I slammed the letter down on my desk, letting out a frustrated groan as more questions began to pop up into my head. Questions that I didn't have the answers to.

I opened a drawer in my desk, pulling out a piece of paper, and laying it flat on the wooden surface. I reached for my quill in the ink bottle. I touched the tip of it to the paper, a dot forming on the page as I held it in place, contemplating what I wanted to write.

To my favorite brother,

I had only written four words before scratching them out, rolling the paper into a ball, and tossing it into the trash bin to the left of my desk. I pulled out a second piece of paper to start over. I stared at the blank sheet for a while, trying to figure out what I wanted to say to them.

I had too many questions to ask, and before I knew it I found myself digging around my closet. I pulled out a bag and immediately began to pack some clothes. I carried the bag down the stairs and set it down on the kitchen counter. I packed some food and water into the bag before making my way back upstairs.

I picked out a cloak/jacket/hoodie (your choice) from the closet, immediately putting it on before returning to my desk once more. I rummaged through a couple of drawers, reading through a few letters from Punz before finding the one I had been looking for.

I turned to leave, about to close my bedroom door behind me, when I found myself returning back in to grab the most recent letter from the surface of my desk. I shoved it into the bag before leaving. I left my house heading towards the small stables located behind the house.

I readied my horse, before climbing into the saddle. I rode out into the forest, glancing once more at my home. I looked down at the old letter. It was from about two years ago if I had to guess, it was wrinkled and torn but the coordinates were still readable.

Time to get some answers.

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A/n: I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter! Sam is my comfort streamer and there doesn't seem to be too many books about him so I wanted to write one :)

I've been prewritting chapters in whatever free time I had (which hasn't been much between school, work and extracurriculars) since September, so hopefully I can keep up with scheduled updates for a while

You all better take care of yourselves. Drink water, eat food, and get sleep!!

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