(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟒) high inquisitor

Start from the beginning

The majority of the students turned around the stare at Umbridge as she walked in. The woman had a clipboard clutched in her small hands. She looked around, unimpressed by something as she turned her nose up.

"I did get your message" Athena replied shortly, "is there anything particular you want me to do or should I just teach my lesson as normal?"

"Do you think it's good for the students health to have lessons this late?"

"It's necessary for this subject" Athena replied in a bored tone, "they are always given extra hours the next day to make up for lost sleep. These are sixth year students which means they've chosen to study astronomy at NEWT level and are aware about the times the lessons take place"

"I thought you weren't allowed to teach NEWT level?" Umbridge asked in a condescending manner.

"Aurora takes fifth and seventh year students exclusively. That's because at the end of those school years they take exams. Aurora is better at exam preparation"

"So what do you bring to this position?" Umbridge asked sharply, "what can you provide that your sister does not?"

"This is not a competition between me and Aurora" Athena frowned, "we balance the job well, making it easier to manage and therefore easier to provide thorough feedback to the students who need it, now can I get on with my lesson?"

"Yes of course" Umbridge replied in fake politeness, "don't let me stop you"

"Right" Athena began briskly, "we'll start today with a reminder of our last lesson, looking into the constellation of Canis Major and then move on to out new topic surrounding the movements of Jupiter's moons"

Athena started to pace as she always did, keeping in mind not to walk to close to the edge. In fact, Aurora's words were swimming through her mind. She was second guessing every word she said, every movement she made. All the while Umbridge was staring at her. Athena pondered if the woman could smell fear.

"First of all, can someone tell me what Canis Major is?" Athena asked, "Miss Peter's" she pointed towards the Hufflepuff Alina who had her hand raised.

"It's a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere, also known as the greater dog" Alina answered perfectly.

"Excellent, two points to Hufflepuff" Athena beamed, "last lesson we studied the stars of this constellation, examining their power and the effect their energy has on the life we live today. Can anyone remind me the same of the brightest star in this constellation? Yes miss Chang"

"The Sirius star" Cho smiled and Athena nodded happily.

"Two points to Ravenclaw" she continued, "yes, the Sirius star is the brightest and therefore brings the most energy to our world—"

"Hem hem" Umbridge interrupted.

Athena paused, looking up in surprise. A lot of the students seemed confused by this interruption. Some of them had been taking notes while others had been trying to find the Sirius star through their telescope.

"Yes?" Athena asked to Umbridge.

"Sorry for the interruption, I was just wondering whether it was appropriate to teach students about the Sirius star. We all know the connections this name has with a certain person, a person you were once friends with, correct?"

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