Most wonderful time of the year

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It was Christmas.

Christmas was great, the lights, the smells, the decorations. But there was one thing that Jed hated. Christmas jumpers.

Every year the museum got several boxes full of Christmas decorations and one was always full with mini Christmas jumpers for the miniatures.

Jed was doing his daily routine when a figure looming over him. He looked up.
"Oh hey giganto- oh sh-" but before he could Finnish his sentence Larry had put on a bright red Christmas jumper on the cowboy.

The jumper was bright red with a snowman on the front. A snowman who looked possessed and melting. Why did they make these for the miniatures? Surely it's was easier to make bigger ones?

Jed stared at Larry with hatred in his eyes as Larry let out a giggle.
"Hey it's ok Jed you only have to wear it for a week..." Larry said trying to reassure Jed
He was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Hello Jedediah, you look very handsome" octavius landed a kiss on Jedediah's cheek. Jed blushed furiously.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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