22. It's you and me now

Start from the beginning

"NO!" Wanda lunged for Vision and was swatted away. Thanos picked up Vision by the throat, lifting him to eye-level, and digs the fingers of his right hand into Vision's forehead, digging out the Mind Stone.

He pulls it loose, and Vision goes limp and colourless, he tossed the lifeless android aside like trash. Bringing his gauntleted hand up, he slowly moves the Mind Stone over the last empty setting, and drops it in. The energy surge is much more than any previous. His torso is wreathed with iridescent static and he bellows from the sensations.

As Thanos studied the completed gauntlet, a massive bolt of lighting strikes him, digging him into the ground and grinding him back for meters. Thor arrived, eyes glowing with power, stooping down from the sky like a bird of prey. The God of Thunder pauses his attack, reverses his position, raises Stormbreaker above his head and hurls it. Thanos fired the whole might of the gauntlet against it, but it only creates a rainbow-like bow-shock, not slowing the ax as it slams right into Thanos' chest.

Thor landed in front of Thanos, who was down on one knee. "I told you. You'd die for that!" referring to the deaths of Loki and Heimdall.

He took hold of the back of Thanos' head and forced Stormbreaker deeper into his chest, staring angrily into his eyes while Thanos cries out in pain.

"You should have... you... You should have gone for the head!" He raised his gauntlet and snapped his fingers.

"NO!" After a brief moment the god gets even more angrily "What'd you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Thanos nearly seems to not notice Thor before he uses the Space Stone and teleports away, leaving Stormbreaker behind on Wakandan ground.

Steve stumbled into the clearing, holding his left side "Where'd he go? Thor... where'd he go?"

"This is it" Ana whispered to the two boys next to her, her wound almost healed by now.

"Steve? Natalia?" Bucky suddenly stumbled over, dropping his gun and collapsing into ashes, much to Steve's shock. He walked over and touched the ground where Bucky's ashes evaporated disbelievingly.

T'Challa reached for a fallen Okoye "Up, General. Up! This is no place to die" King T'Challa held out his hand for Okoye. He suddenly disintegrates into ashes and, in anguish, Okoye falls back on the ground. Few seconds later, she gets up herself.


Groot slowly corrodes into ashes as well by Rocket "I am Groot..."

"No... no. No. No. No! Groot, no..."

Wanda is mourning over Vision. She then turns into ashes. Peacefully going away "Wanda!" His twin brother shouted while tearing up.

He then began to fade "No, no, no" he turned around were a horrid faced Ana was "I'm sorry, love".

When he completely turned to dust Tommy held Ana as she screamed, making the ground shake slightly. She left out sobs that made everyone turned to her. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths and waiting for the feeling of losing herself to dust. But she didn't. She just lost herself that day.

An injured Sam turned to ashes as well, hidden in the undergrowth. Rhodes was searching for him, missing him by only a few feet "Sam? Sam, where you at?!"

The remaining team members are left mourning near Vision's dead body. Vision turns over Vision's bleached corpse as Black Widow runs up to the other survivors.

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