The Right Choice - (A/N)

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Today I came across a tweet made by one of the two main inspirations for this story. The subject of the tweet was about British royals, Prince Harry & Meghan Markle, and read verbatim "When will Harry and Meghan have made enough money that they are able to step back from the limelight and live their longed for simple life? #askingforafriend". I have issues with this.

First of all, I'd like to make a point of noting that I saw this tweet in the trending section of Twitter. The word that was trending was 'Meghan' but 'Harry' was not, despite the root of this controversy exclusively surrounding Prince Harry's actions and his choices to write and publish a memoir. It troubles me that once again, a woman is being seemingly blamed for her husbands actions, as if she were his keeper.

Second of all, regardless of what you may think about Meghan or the Royal Family, suggesting that a woman who has been perhaps dangerously outspoken about the alleged ill-treatment she has faced (especially due to racial motivations) at the hands of one of the most privileged and powerful public figures in the western world, has been doing so for money is alarmingly reminiscent of rape survivors being accused of pursuing charges against their abusers for fame. I'd like to remind my readers at this point that Meghan Markle has had a successful career in the entertainment industry prior to her engagement with the Prince, and quite simply does not need the English monarchy's blood money- which coincidentally, does not even really belong to them anyway.

Not to mention, given the backlash anyone publicly going against the royal family has historically received before, the decision to do so for fun, fame or money would be plain insensible. In fact, Harry's mother, Diana, is a very testament to just how not worth it that would be.

Which brings me to my third and final point: no person, no matter who they are or what they have/ haven't done, deserves the level of hate Meghan has been subject of in the past few years.

At first my intention was to delete the fic altogether- I will not condone, endorse or give a platform to any form of hate, especially not the kind that derives from racial intolerance- however I have come to decide against this decision. Here's why: I can't imagine that should Kirsty or Phil come across this they would be pleased with the narrative/ depiction of their roles in this story. In fact, I hope they do and they aren't. Moreover, I plan to potentially rewrite the story in its entirety to portray a more derogatory version of the characters.

Black lives do matter. And yes, that does include when one of those black lives is a whistleblower to the racism of one of the largest abuses of power the modern world has ever known.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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