"December thirtieth."

"1999." Lee filled the name section of the form with Smith, John, for the Doctor, which I found amusing, but then proceeded to write Pond, Alycea for me. Which would come up with the image of an 12 year old Scottish girl, not a fully grown girl running through China Town.

The ambulance arrived at the Emergency entrance and the Doctor is wheeled into the hospital first, as he was priority, me close behind. "Three gunshot wounds for the male. 4 for the woman. Heart's going crazy for both. Must have taken something." They called, getting us into stalls, injecting us with things that were supposed to help with the pain, but just made my eyes burn gold as it damaged my third eye. That freaked everyone out.

"Get the optometry department over here once Grace's sorted them out. This girls got demon eyes." A nurse said, trying to put me into a hospital gown, but I growled and she backed off. I'd had enough of those things when I was in a loony bin. "And get psychiatric too."

Grace Holloway:

"Probe." I told my assistant.

He handed me one. "Probe."



I turned to the person who was waiting for my music choice. "And straight to track four."

"Track four coming up." She started the music and Madam Butterfly started, making me sigh. Brian threatened to leave again, which was annoying, but this music was perfect.

"Puccini. Madame Butterfly." The man, Mr Smith, murmured, then his eyes flashed open and he grabbed my wrist. "Whatever you're about to do, stop. Sera, where's Seraphina?"

"Mister Smith, you're going to be all right. If you're talking about the girl brought in with you, she's perfectly alright, they got her stable, she's awaiting surgery, like you're about to have."

He started thrashing on the bed, his heart getting worse. "No. We are not human. We are not like you. Sera!"

"Nobody is, Mister Smith. Miss Pond is fine, I promise."

"We need a beryllium atomic clock. This 1999, isn't it? Ah, Sera, her eyes..."

"We can't wait any longer, Grace." My anaesthetist put a mask over Johns face, but he kept fighting it.

"No, we're not human. we're not human." Man, this guy was a whole basket of crazy, and he fought the anesthesia, pulling down my mask, but Curtis quickly fixed it for me.

"Try not to speak, Mister Smith. We've already taken out all the bullets in you and Alycea, and now we're going to listen to your heart, find out why it's so wild, and then I'm going to fix it. You'll be fine. Okay, he's under." And then he sat up again.

"Timing malfunction. The Master, Seraphina's brother, he's out there. He's out there." We all pushed him back down, trying to get him unconscious. "I've got to stop him." And then he finally passed out,

"Somehow I don't think this man's name is Mister Smith, do you? Someone go and check on the woman, ask what her name is. if it's Alycea, fine, Seraphina, run a back ground check." I told them, confused as to why this man was calling a woman found with two forms of photo id was being called Seraphina.

"So, is Brian threatening to leave again?" Salinger asked once Curtis went to check her and I started the probe through his cardiovascular system.

"He won't. That's strange." I was in the wrong place, but I'd just passed through here.


"Déjà vu. Where am I?"

He looked at my monitor. "Er, sub-clavian."

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