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(A/n the drawing was not made by me so credits to the owner)

Oishi POV 

I was driving to the address. I was pretty nervous to be honest and I'm pretty sure the others were too and there was a pretty weird and awkward tension going on so I decided to put on some music on my phone to lower the tension 

And I guess my idea worked as all of us started vibing and the awkward tension went down pretty quickly. It was a pretty long 1 hour drive but we made it to the address I got out the car and so did the other two and we walked to the entrance and Alisa knocked on the gate and then a tall man with blonde hair and green eyes opened the gate and greeted us with a smile "Hello I'm Chad you three must be auditioning for the spy ninja try outs right?" Chad said "Yes Mr.Clay we are here for the auditions." Bree said she looked like she was about to burst "Oh ok then come inside and you can just call me Chad." Chad said "Ok Chad" Alisa said when we walked in and we saw 2 groups of people and I think they also came to audition. In the first group there were 2 boys and 1 girl both of the boys had dark brown hair while the girl had red hair. The second group had 2 girls and 1 boy the 2 girls looked like twins because they had the same blue eyes and blond hair while the boy had black hair and hazel brown eyes. "Ok everyone welcome to the spy ninja try outs I'm Chad as you may know." Said the tall blonde "I'm Vy." Said a short black haired woman "I'm Regina!" Said another black haired woman wearing a yellow hoodie "I'm Daniel." Said a dark brown haired boy "And I'm Melvin." Said the man with long black hair and a beard. "So all of you guys will be doing challenges today to see if you get into the Spy ninjas!" Vy said "Ok but before that let's all introduce ourselves." Chad said "Starting with you." Chad said pointing to Alisa "M-me?" Alisa said stuttering "Yes you." "O-ok, I'm Alisa and I'm 23 years old." Alisa said then Chad looked at Bree who was standing next to Alisa and asked her to introduce herself "Hi I'm Bree and I'm 22 years old." Bree said and I was standing next to Bree so I guessed it was my turn "Hi I'm Oishi and I'm 24 years old." I said and then all of us introduced ourselves and then we started the challenges. 

Chad POV

"Ok so the first challenge is to save Regina!" I said " Regina has been captured by Melvin and all of you have to save her and the fastest group to save her gets a point." "And you have to work together to save her." Vy said "How about the first team saves Regina." I said pointing to the team with 2 boys and 1 girl. 

Alisa POV

So the first team took 50 seconds to rescue Regina and the second team took 49 seconds to save Regina if we can beat that time then we get a point. "Ok guys we better get a point." I said "Don't worry Alisa we will get a point!" Bree said making me smile a bit "The only thing we need is team work and we can get a point!" Oishi said. It was now or never we needed to get the point like it determined on our life "3 2 1 GO!!!" Daniel said we all started running really fast and when we got to Regina I was fighting Melvin while Oishi sneaked behind Regina and was untying the ropes while Bree was helping me fight Melvin. We finished and we ended up saving Regina in 36 seconds making us get a point in this challenge.

Daniel POV

After the third team saved Regina Vy yelled "THE THIRD TEAM WINS!" I'm not gonna lie but the third team used a lot more teamwork then the other two teams. Well looks like we have to find out which team gets a point next challenge. "Ok the next challenge is a hacking challenge!" I said and I swear I saw the dark browned hair girl's eyes sparkle.

Bree POV

"Did Daniel just say the second challenge is about hacking?" I questioned myself while I was getting excited and I'm sure my brown eyes sparkled when I heard Daniel say that the second challenge is about hacking "Ok so all of you will hack through these firewalls and the team who hacks the fastest gets a point." Regina said "Yeah so get to your stations." Melvin said "Let's go to the bean bag I'm pretty sure it's a good place to hack." Alisa said all of us walked to the bean bag and sat down with the computer "Alright it's my time to shine." I muttered to myself and I started hacking while the others helped me and I'm not trying to brag but I did most of the work myself.

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