First Day jitters

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Soyokaze woke up to an overcast morning. It was still nice out. They blinked awake to they're alarm going off. The alarm sound was actually "One day" by Spyair.

They glared at their alarm  that read '5:30'. They groaned as they lazily rolled out of bed. They laid on the floor looking out the window.

They deeply inhaled as the stood up and stretched.

Soyokaze groaned and opened their door and walked into the kitchen. A small orange sticky note was stuck to the fridge and it read

"Good Morning Soyo, I love you and hope you have an amazing first day of highschool! These are the best years of your life, so enjoy it! Don’t forget to do your Morning chores as well.
                       -Love mom♡"

Soyokaze narrowed their eyes and shuffled their feet to the dishwasher to do their chores.

Around an hour later they were already up and was jaming out to 'Memories' by David guetta and Kid Cudi while in the shower.

"🎤HEY HEY! YEAH YEAH!🎶" Soyo sung off key(Oml I swear I was doing that last night😭❤)

"OH SHI-" They slipped and fell. They laughed and stood up. Rubbing their back that they just hit on accident.

They turned off the shower and grabbed their towel, and wrapped it around their waist. Soyo grabbed their phone off the bathroom counter to check the time. The clock read '6:36'

I still have time until I have to leave. They thought as they put their phone down.

They quickly put on their school uniform.

Soyo walked over to their bathroom mirror and looked at themselves, admiring themselves😭❤(You’re beautiful no matter what bb, don't let anyone tell you otherwise❤)

-Skip to when they gets
on the train-

Soyokaze sat next to the window, and looked at the raindrops that ran down the side. They smiled because this was always the best kind of weather.

They quietly looked around the almost packed train. Soyokaze noticed a shorter male who sat next to a taller male. The shorter one had orange hair. While the taller one had black hair like Them. They where also wearing Kurasuno school uniforms, so Soyokaze assumed they might have classes together.

They slowly stood up and walked over to the 2.

"Hello, I'm Soyokaze Hikari." They said happily as the bowed their head.

"Hello Hikari!" The orange haired boy said back. "I'm shoyo hinata! And this is Kageyama tobio!" He said enthusiastically. Kageyama looked at Soyo and looked back at Hinata.

"I noticed that you two are wearing Kurasuno uniforms! What year are you two?"

"We're first years!" Hinata said politely.

"Sick! I'm also a first year! I just transferred from (Insert random school name)!"

"Thats cool! Well welcome to Kurasuno!" Hinata said as he nudged Kageyama.

"Oh yeah, welcome." Kageyama said as he returned to looking out the window.

"Can I sit next to you two?" They asked politely.

"Yeah! Theres always room for another first year😌" Hinata said happily  as he scootched over and patted the seat next to him.

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