Time Master

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Centurion Analogia, was dead, a hunk of a Planet, never had we as Andromeda, seen such a glorious explosion, a humongous failure, in the eyes of our super advanced and elegant constructed world, there was nothing left, just the Sleek, Advanced, 1,000 Story Buildings, and Drones surveying the Replication of another Version of the Timeline and another World. This was our entire civilization on the line, and, it had failed, not growing more advanced but growing apart, backward, even concurrent events had failed to work! There are so many time's, so many ways to mess up, and so many people who died in the massive collapse of our entire World! Seeking a new life, a new timeline, even a new civilization is our perfect goal now. Perfect meaning, us meaning we are perfect, our world was based on complete perfection, by any means necessary! With this motive, we built our Empire, the Andromeda Confederation, to appease the Imperfection and then to create Perfection! There are no imperfect lines, that are beveled, no colors but colors that are comprehended unknown to us, there is not way forward but with meaning, not love, but advancement! Our World died, died because the Super System of the Inner Core, a Machine, with so much power that it eventually over time was unperfected, like a dilation of the deviated path. It exploded, leaving nothing but devastation, to the Planet, and land mass of dead bodies, and new futures.

Our Infrastructure was on a great decline. It seemed that as time went on, our Timeline in Number 100, of many more of the Advanced Civilization of Time were broken down, we became more and more, Perfect, but, as we started to become something more, the cracks, in the Systems, actually started to show. As the rise of Building our Planet went and went forward, now, it only went to destruction. A Annihilation , a complete collapse! So, with the remaining knowledge of our Time, our Perfection, and our Dedication to create a new world. Me, and a team of Time Masters, left the broken, destroyed Planet of massive destruction to another Timeline, named, Timeline Number 67, it was a part of the Imperfect Time Loops, a subset of the rise of Technology, the Building of Society, and beings of the Human-kind. They were called, Humans, analyzing their data on a Perfect Scale, we had one goal. Not to eliminate but to warp the Time Structure so, that was could make a new Timeline offset of our own, absorb Time Energy and Travel to Perfection through their minds! We as Time Masters, had every means to complete a new life, a new time, and a new Future! The Metallic Super System Screen, constructed by the Time Masters, and correlated to other times and tunneled into the 4th and 5th Dimensions, showed a massive spike in that area of Society, Screens were most Dominant, Beings called Humans, had War, and distortions, of Evil and Good. We had no Evils, and no Good. There were parts of their society that were Anti-Time to our own! Meaning that as they grew, as time went on, they got more smart but, less Intelligent with the Environment and killed their world to extinction! By 2058, the other Time Masters viewed an un-tick, in Environment Destruction! With our remaining Civilization, of 3 Time Masters, Me, Selwyn Andromeda, Marlowe Newman, a Warped Time Inhabitant, of the far off Plant of Lexus-latus, where the time was warped by Imperfection, we traveled in the Time Vessel of V-203, to seek out a new Version of Success, a new Perfection! 

The Time Vessel, V-203, was a Class V Super Ship, it had 200 On-Board, Time Dilation Devices, and was shaped like a V. Hence the name V-203, this was the 203rd Version of the Time Vessel. There were 30 Rooms on the Ship for Guests, but, we were only one Andro, one Plexus, and one Flexes, on the Vessel. Not filled up at all. One huge display ball was at the center of the 200 ft. by 200 ft. Vessel, we as Andromeda, put everything all of the Perfect Tech. in the center of the construction around it. Like the Planet of Centurion Analogia, it was and always was, inside the Core of the Planet. The Machine was based on Reactive Minerals, the Core was stabilized by it. The Giant Machine was destabilized by Organic Minerals, one that had been phased out by, 7000 U.E.D., or translated in human years is the Year 100,000. Simple has been stated as Complex and the Masters of all Time, every bit of it, had been the only ones in our World that survived. Even pulling influence from the U.E.D. of 100,000, or the Year 1 Million in Human Years. At this Point in Time, Andromeda, in the other Timeline, the one that had not ended in Massive Annellation of the World, had constructed a Perfect State of Being! They had essentially, phased out every Imperfection, everything not slimmed, down and everything was brought back, their souls never died and they could see past reality and un-reality with ease! Infinite was seen, even, Massive Time Equations had their upper heads creating no Imperfections in Time. Without Time there would be no way to see our progress, the V-203 Vessel was almost to the Humankind, World of Earth. Andromeda had visited there before in the form of Vessels in the shape of Clouds.

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