"I promise I won't scheme." She held her hands up as if she surrender.

"Holla at Blue bout that." I said.

"Holla at me bout what?" Blue and Perry walked in together.

"Can I go out for dinner with yall? I promise I'll be on my best behavior." She said.

"Girl you bugging!" Perry rolled her eyes and looked up at Blue for an answer.

"Really Leslie? You was just after my man! And I still ain't confronted you about that yet!" Blue bit down on her bottom lip and mugged Leslie.

"Come on Blue. I'm desperate right now. I just want peace." She shrugged.

"Peace my ass." Perry mumbled.

"Aite. You can roll with us." Blue said.

"Thanks." She sat back on the couch watching The Walking Dead.

I stared at Blue and she shrugged.

"Well I'm getting drunk tonight. I don't know about yall." Perry pranced back to her room.

"Bye baby." I said before leaving out their apartment and going across the street to mine. I walked up the stairs and down the hall to my door. I walked in and saw Sippi sweating and half naked. Rich Homie played loudly through out the room. I'm assuming he was working out.

We really never talked since we fell out over Blue. And now all he does is avoid the fact that he still loves her and hates me.

"Sippi." I said. He didn't hear me over the loud music. He opened up a bottle of water and drunk it quickly.

"Sippi!" I yelled over the music. He turned his stereo down and looked at me.

"You say something?" He asked.

"Perry, Leslie, Blue, and I are going out for dinner. You coming?" I asked. He slightly frowned.

"Leslie?" He turned his nose up at the thought.

"I know. I know. But you rolling with us?" I asked.

"I guess.." He shrugged. I walked towards my room and turned on the knob.

"August.." He called. I turned and looked at him. He looked hesitant but spoke.

"Thanks for inviting me." He said.

"That's what homies do right?" I said. He smiled and walked into his room.

Leslie POV

"Bitch you take everything I wear!"

"Shut up! You give it to me!"

"You a lie! You wore my black wedges last night and I want them back!"

I heard glass shattering. Perry and Blue are at it again.

"Stupid trick! My dad made that for me!"

"Give me my shoes back!"

"I don't have your shoes!"

I heard a loud thud on the floor and curse words being spoken. Its amazing how quickly they argue and fight then be back together the next second.

"Ouch!" I heard Blue whine.

"I'm sorry. Let me see." Perry sounded guilty. I heard her kiss it and I'm assuming they hugged because I heard them both groan as if the wind was being taken away from them.

"I love you Perry." Blue said.

"I love you too Blue." Perry said.

They both walked out fully dressed. Perry wore a long sleeved crop top, high waist skirt, and booties with her braids in a bun.

Blue wore a maroon cardigan that looked like nothing was under it, her skinny jeans and brown knee boots. Her hair was up in a messy bun.

"Why you not dressed?" Perry frowned. This bitch being real funny.

"I am dressed." I looked down at my clothes that I barely could fit anymore. I wore a Nirvana t shirt, skinny jeans, my Timbs, and a beanie over my curls.

They both snickered but got serious once they saw I wasn't laughing.

"She's pregnant Perry. Cut her some slack." Blue smirked.

"We were pregnant at one point too but we didn't lose our style." Perry laughed.

"It's not like I can wear that small crop top that you have on Perry." I crossed my arms.

"Is she calling my clothes too little?" She said to herself. I really want to make peace but she making it real hard.

"Fuck that. Lets just go." Blue said. We headed out and at that moment I knew this was going to be a mistake.

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