They know.

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Okay, I couldn't find the original comment so this is the email I got from Wattpad that told me someone commented. (Top photo) The person deleted the comment (I think, the comment couldn't be found so I assume) so if they don't like this then I can take it down, just ask.

PROMPT FROM: tengkukamalbashar


TW// cussing (that's a given on these oneshots)


Shit, it's already 7AM, it feels like I just went to bed.

I somehow dragged my ass out of bed and walked across the room to turn off my alarm clock. I ran around my shack, getting dressed, brushing my hair and teeth, and showering.

Oh Prime, I have 15 minutes to get to the hotel on time, Purpled's waiting for me there with Sam Nook.


I'm already there by the time Purpled shows up, which is odd, 'cause usually he's always early, it's not as if he's been invited to a party or anything at all really, "Hey Toms, sorry if I'm late."

I replied, "Don't worry, you're ten minutes early," I looked around a bit and kept talking, "and Sam Nook hasn't showed up yet."

Purpled nodded and, almost on cue, Sam Nook arrived.

"Hello Tommy, how are you?"

"I'm doing good Sam, how're you?"

"I'm good, could you perhaps get me some wood?"

"Sure, come on Purpled!"

Me and Purpled then sprinted out of the Big Innit Hotel, me, holding his hand, basically dragging him.

"Hey, I like your ring, where'd you get it?" I asked in a joking tone as we ran towards the forest.

"Uhh, you gave it to me like two years ago, we got married, remember? Please tell me you aren't loosing your memory like Ranboo. I'm not going to search for your child at 3AM after you say 'I brought my kid with me somewhere and forgot him. And where we went.'" Wait, did he think I genuinely forgot? I mean I know he was somewhat out of the loop, but I didn't know that he didn't even know common sarcasm and joking.

"No, I know, I was joking. It was a rhetorical question, one you don't answer."

"Ohhhhhhh, that makes more sense. Thank XD that you didn't start forgetting random shit, I would not be able to deal with that."


I was walking around the edge of the forest around daybreak when I overhear my brother talking to someone.

"Uhh, you gave it to me like two years ago, we got married, remember?..." the unknown voice is married to my little brother. My little brother is married. Wow, I died and he decided that right after my death was a great time to get married.

"No, I know, I was joking, it was a rhetorical question, one you don't answer."

"Ohhhhhhh, that makes more sense. Thank XD that you didn't start forgetting random shit, I would not be able to deal with that."

After that sentence, I walked over to them, making my presence obvious.

"Hey Tommy, how have you been? probably not all that bad since you have a husband." the harshness in my tone was a bit more obvious than I wanted it to be, but it works.

"What do you mean? I don't have a husband?" Tommy was sweating and looking from side to side, making sure not to look me in the eyes.

"Tommy, that's a blatant lie, I overheard your conversation. Also, you have a ring on your ring finger, when we made family rings you would never wear yours, so I know that isn't a fashion choice."

I remember the family rings, they were all made out of carved wood and had a bit of paint on them with our favorite colors. Mine was yellow and Tommy's was red, he spent forever trying to mix the paints perfectly to get the prefect shade.

"Fine, I may or may not have platonically married my friend out of spite. You caught me."

"That is an... interesting reason to get married. Spite."

"Well yeah, Ranboob and Tubbo ran off together and got platonically married, so I decided that if they were married then I should get married, then I met Purpled, and we got platonically married." I think that this story is getting progressively more interesting by the second.

I look to Purpled, hoping to get more detail from him, but he just shrugged and stated,  "Pretty much sums it up."

Tommy then looked at me and said, in the most serious tone I've heard him use, "can you please not tell anyone Wilbur?" The way he said it made it sound more like an order than a question.

"Sure, Toms. I won't tell anyone." I wasn't lying. I probably would've told someone before news of the marriage came out to the server, but it just never fit into a conversation, so I never got to out them.

"Good, than it's settled. We'll see you later." The kid my brother married to looked at me with dark purple eyes and left with Tommy following him.

I still had so many questions for the pair, but they were already gone and I didn't want to chase them down, so I just went along and continued my walk.





now. i know you haven't.

Purpled and TommyInnit Oneshots.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя