Chapter 2: Home

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Hey mom where are we going? We are going home. In New York!? Yes honey, in New York. All of your friends were worried about you, so you will get to see them today. All of them? Yes Bella all of them. Like Gracie, Konner, Danielle, and Rebecca. Yes honey all of them. Oh thank you mom! You're welcome honey. Well be home in about 15 minutes. Oh I can't wait to see all my friends!

Hey look everybody its Bella! Hi everybody, I'm so glad to see all of you.
You've all gotten so tall, especially you Konner. So did you Bella.
Ok everyone since its been so long I called all of your parents, and rearranged a sleepover for all of you.
YAY! Thank you mom. Your welcome. I bought popcorn and snacks for all of you. And I got Smurfs 2 for Bella. Wait!
There is a Smurfs 2! No way. Thank you so much mom. You are welcome honey.

Wait Smurfette dies! Why aren't you all crying like me? We have all seen it Bella we know what happens. Oh yeah I almost forgot I missed five years of my life. Just watch the rest of the movie and see what happens. Ok.

YAWN! That was a great movie is everyone ready to go to sleep? Yes.

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