chapter 2

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(At the end of the day)

(angel pov)

I was starting to feel tired and my eyes were feeling heavy. We were getting onto the bus. I was sat between Kandy and mik and my head was getting heavy and I fell asleep on who I thought was my brother.

(miks pov)

We had just got on the bus. I sat next to Angel and the row. They looked so tired and they looked so cute. I suddenly feel a weight on my shoulder and look over and see Angel asleep on my shoulder. "Kandy what do I do" I whisper not wanting to wake them. "stroke their hair it'll keep them asleep" I smile to myself I may have a small crush on Kandy's sibling. I stroke their hair and feel them breathe. "Kade what are you doing" my sister said. "shhhh they are asleep leave them" "yes but your stroking their hair" "Kandy said it would help them stay asleep" "I did" Kandy chimed in "if I had a phone I would have so many photos" Denali said "same they look so cute" rose agreed. "shhh please don't wake them" I whisper because I feel them shift. "aww mik really care about them" Utica jokes "mik do you have a crush" Olivia jokes " he does" Christine says as she sees me blush. "what's going on" we all turn as we hear Angels sleepy voice and omg it was so cute. "hey, its ok just go back to sleep" I try and just calm them down. I'm slightly mad they all woke them up teasing me "why was everyone yelling and why are they staring" they say a retreat into my chest more "hey its ok your safe" I say and stroke their hair "hey stop staring" I yell and everyone turns back to their own conversation. "you ok" I asked trying to check if how they are but they are asleep. I look to Kandy who is giggling at us "what's so funny Kandy" "they really like you don't hurt them" "I won't its not like anything will happen not that I don't want it but augh you know what I mean" Kandy laughs "what" I reply "you like them too so just go for it" "maybe when we get to know each to them more" I say as I kiss them on their forehead. "aww" Denali said. "please you are too cute" Utica said with a giggle "shh last time you all tried to talk to me you woke them up and scared them" they start shifting and I stroke their hair and can see that we are near the hotel so I'm going to have to wake them up and I just shake them awake "what's going on" they mumble. "we are at the hotel" I feel they snuggle into my body "carry me in" "I cant" "why not" they say pouting "fine ill ask" I hear Denali behind me whispering "whipped" "shut up Denali" I yell back then I see angel flinch beneath me and just go back to holding them. We all get off the bus and Denali suggest we go to the main hall and play truth or dare and some other games. We get to the main room most of the sisters went to their room so it just me Denali, Christine, rose, Kandy , Angel, Utica, Tina, Symone, Olivia and Mia. "So who's first" mia says. "how about mik" Kandy states. "Fine umm dare" "yes" Kandy mutters "I dare you to kiss Angel" "what" Angel screamed "it's his dare not mine leave me out of this" "come on its just a dare" mia says "not doing it" Angels snaps back maybe they don't like me "it is my dare we really shouldn't have to make them do it" "come on Angel it can just be a kiss on the cheek or you can sit in his lap and cuddle for the rest of the game" Kandy says "fine" they say as they walk over to me and sit in my lap and snuggle in my lap. "so Denali truth or dare"

"truth" "is it true you like rose" "what- well um no-um yeah" "no or yeah" "yeah" he finally says hiding his face in his hands. "really" rose says optimistically. "yeah" Denali said quietly. "well I like you too" rose says with a smile "really" Denali says looking up with a smile. "yeah" rose said standing up to go hug Denali. "Aww" Angel says from in my arms. "Kandy truth or dare" "dare" "tickle Angel" Denali says. I feel Angel shuffle closer to me. "why me again" they whisper to me. Kandy walks over to us but that makes Angel hide more and I fully put my arms around them "Denali can you give Kandy another dare they are shaking so badly we should just leave them" Kandy looks down and says "yeah they clearly aren't In the mood to play we should just leave them" "can we have a staffs phone I want Kandy to call joey and flirt with him" one of the staff give Denali their phone. "we'll put it on speaker so we can hear" it rings once and he picks up "hello this is joey jay who is this" joey says from the other line "hey joey" say Kandy "Kandy" he says excitedly "you didn't go home this isn't the number had for you" he started to panic. "hey calm down no one of the staff gave me their phone im still here" "why did you call then" "well I was gonna ask maybe when I leave after winning we could go on a date" "really" joey says sounding so happy. "yeah" we hear a squeal from the other side making angel giggle into my body. "what was that" joey say concerned. "oh my sibling it's the makeover they are kinda tired so are giggly" "well say hello to them for me and yes to the date just tell me when and where ill be there" bye then miss joey" "bye Kandy" he hangs up. Kandy then squeals and again this make angel giggle. They look up at me and they say "your cute and I'm sorry for being mean earlier" "its ok" then suddenly they kiss me earning ohhhs from the others. They suddenly moved away and lay back in my lap. I'm probably bright red. I look down to talk to them, but they've fallen asleep. "earth to Kade you ok after that" Christine says waving her hand In front of my face. "uh augh yeah what if they didn't mean it like that what if it was they were just tiered" Kandy looks at me and say "why wouldn't they mean it like that that was their first kiss" "what that was their first kiss" I squeal "what's going on" angel says from in my lap "nothing go back to sleep" I say kissing them on the forehead. "what was that for" "because your cute" "your cute too but can I go back to sleep" "yeah you should go back to your room" "your warm and cuddly I wanna stay here" "fine just come here" they just snuggle into my chest "shall we carry on" I state everyone agrees "so tina truth or dare" Kandy says. "truth" "if you don't win who do you want to" Kandy says. "probably you or mik" "what a surprise" says rose. We all laugh but then I remember angel and cover their ears, so it stays quiet. "you really care about them" Utica giggles "yeah I do" I stroke their hair. " so Utica truth or dare" tina says picking back up the game. "uhhh dare" "kiss the person you most like in this room" "like if I have a crush on them" Utica says with hesitation. "yep" tina says popping the p. she then walks over to Olivia and kisses her. "hey I like you too" Olivia states with a giggle "really" Utica say with a goofy smile. "yep" she say imitating tina. After a few more rounds we all decide to go to bed so I take them to their room. I put them down I walk away but hear "don't go" from behind me. "I have to" I hear a soft crying from behind me. "fine" I walk over to them and get into bed.

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