He held is chin and looked up at the ceiling as if he was thinking. "Hm.. well since I'm not exactly at the bar last night cause I was at the pet shop—well not until Kazutora called me and asked to give the both of you a ride to here. You were all covered in bruises and dang you're heavy—"

"What?" I glared at him.

He raised a peace sign. "—Just kidding. So as I was saying, I drove you two here and then Kazutora asked me to stay by your side and clean your wounds while he went back to the bar to get your car. Don't worry I didn't changed you, you changed yourself, you probably didn't remember it." He chuckled but immediately stopped when Kazutora there a pillow at him. He cleared his throat. "We were with you all along. I even took pictures—"



I can't believe this guy. Chifuyu really prepared for this, huh? I'm already feeling bad for Y/n though. I have to lie. WE have to lie. Wait—why are we doing this again?

Oh.. Right. It's because of that shitty ass mask person.


"Where the fuck are you?!"

I pulled my phone away when I heard Drakens loud voice. He's drunk already?! Dang I will still take 15 minutes for me to arrive there!

"I'm almost there." I said and ended the call. I only took a taxi cause my car is still on repair. Not a minute passed when my phone suddenly rang again. Didn't I tell him that I'm almost there?! Fuck it. "Draken I told you already, I'm on my fucking—"

"Hanemiya Kazutora. Y/n's EX boyfriend, am I right?"

I turned my gaze at the road clenching my fists when the mysterious guy on the emphasized the word Ex in his sentence. "Who the fuck are you?" I looked at the callers number but my eyes widened when I realized this was Y/n's new phone number that she gave me. "OI! YOU FUCKERING SHIT! WHY DO YOU HAVE Y/N'S PHONE?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I'm definitely aware that my voice raised. The taxi driver even jumped in his seat because of the sudden raise of my voice. I sighed and mouthed the words sorry on the rear view mirror.

"Chill your ass. Meet me at her condo."

Before I could even say a damn thing, the shitty mother fucker ended the call. I wanted to throw my phone but I don't want to scare the taxi driver. I sighed and tried my best to calm down. I showed the taxi driver the way to Y/n's condo. It wasn't traffic today so not long enough we arrived. I immediately went down the taxi and marched inside the lobby.

My fists are actually ready to punch someone. As soon as I entered, I saw a guy wearing a mask waving Y/n's phone. I swear..

I marched towards that person and grabbed him by the collar. He stared at me blankly which made me angrier. "What did you fucking do to her?" I asked in a low but angry tone making some of the people near us look at us.

He raised both of his hands chuckling. "I didn't do anything. I won't ever do anything to harm her. You can check her by yourself if you don't believe me."

Wait.. this guy.. why do I feel like—

"What's your relationship with Y/n? Are you together already?" I asked letting go of his collar.

Could this be the guy Y/n's talking about? This shitty mother fucker? He looks like a drug addict!

He smirked. "It's none of your business."

Calm down Kazutora.. if you punch this guy and he's Y/n's boyfriend, she'll kill you.

"Listen here punk. I love that girl. I've always fucking love that girl. And I hate when the people I care about get hurt."

He laughed at what I said. Wrinkles on my forehead can be seen right now. What the hell is he laughing about? Did I say something funny? People are staring at him like he's some crazy dude! Geez! I don't want to believe myself that this guy right here is Y/n's love interest.

He suddenly stopped laughing and stepped closer making me back off. "I'm not here to quarrel with you. I want you to take care of her for me. She's drunk and someone beaten her up—"

"What?!" My eyes widened in shock. What the fuck?!

He sighed. "I already cleaned her bruises and changed her clothes. Don't get the wrong idea, I didn't do anything stupid afterwards. Once she wakes up, tell her you were the one who took care of her. When she asks about me, tell her you don't know what's she's talking about."

"Why are you telling me this?" He's not telling me all of this without a reason. He can take care of Y/n all by himself but yet he's here asking Y/n's ex—which is me, to take care of Y/n.

He sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. "I... need to leave." Those were the only words that came out of his mouth before turning his back away from me. I was frozen in place still confused on what the hell I got myself into. Before he could even take another step, he stopped. "By the way. You're saying that you love Y/n yet you betrayed her? You hurt her feelings, you fucker. You broke her. And if that's how you love someone? Well I guess, I don't love her the way YOU love her."

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