A Beautiful Mistake Part 2

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Author's note: Last part of this story, Henry and Rupert will meet again in military. It will be so awkward between these two.

Rupert woke up the morning and for some reason he felt content, he didn't know why until a pain in his head reminded him of last night's events.

Rupert remembered he wanted to have a drink after work but ran into Henry in the process, he grumbled about his head hurt after all that excessive drinking.

He also remembered that he did more than drink with Henry, flash of memories came into his mind and he blushed furiously.

He put his face in his hands and groaned, why did he do that? How did he managed to take advantage of him like that?

"Motherfucker." cursed Rupert, he looked over to the side of the bed to find it empty.

He was beginning to have a panic attack until he glanced at nightstand to find a note, water, and a bottle of pills. He picked up the note to read what it says.

"Hi, sorry I didn't wake you. You looked like you needed sleep. You look absolutely exhausted, any way I left you some water and pills to help with your hangover. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble and making your job harder.

From, Henry.

P.S. I didn't put in my contact cause I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me again, but I have a feeling we will meet soon again.

Rupert stopped reading the note and he took a pill and drank the water, he lay down back on his pillow and sighed. How does he always get himself into situations like this.

He got up and put on his clothes, he went to the bathroom to stare at himself in the mirror. He noticed a couple of hickeys on his neck and frowned, Henry must have given him these marks when they were having sex.

He will have to cover them with make up, he went backed to his bedroom and got a pair of clean clothes to take a shower. After his shower, he went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

He grabbed a bowl and pour some cereal and milk to eat cereal, as he was eating he thought about last night. He hated to admit it but he enjoyed last night.

It's been a while since he got laid, he needed it so bad since being a police officer is stressful especially when you have guys like Henry Stickmin.

He finished eating and cleaned up his bowl, after that he sat in the living room and sat on his couch. He turned on his TV and flipped through the channels to find something to watch.

After a few more channel flipping, he gave up and decided to nap. Before he fell asleep he thought about Henry, what was he doing? Where is he at moment? He exhales and fell asleep.

Rupert hadn't seen Henry for a while which bother him, he quit the police force because he was growing increasingly frustrated at the incompetence of the department.

He joined the military after that, it seemed a much more better way to help others, while he in the military he had met Charles, a government pilot, Captain Victoria Grit who was amazing at what she does and so does Charles, and the Budowski twins, Calvin and Konrad.

He gets along with all of them especially Charles, they instantly became best friends. They bonded over their shared mutual hatred of the Tophat Clan, the most notorious criminals in the world.

They wanted to take down the clan but needed evidence to prove the crimes they committed, Captain Galeforce was in charge of taking down the tophat clan and decided to recruit a theif.

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