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Yo dudes it's 2:12 rn while I'm writing this enjoy nvm it's midnight the next day i was listening to this song while i was writing :) TW SUICIDE,BULLYING pls skip if uncomfortable

The girl looked in the mirror and saw the pointy teeth that people called her a freak for, the ears that ended in the point that the people around her called a MONSTER for, she saw the unnaturally bright red hair they called her a DEMON for and last but not least she met her own eyes in the mirror and saw the black eyes they saw and called her SOULLESS for. She sees a tear and gets confused for she hadn't felt her eyes well up. She wiped her tear but another fell and soon there were so many tears the river that was flowing down her face was continuously streaming as she wept because she was not loved in this place she called "home". She soon stopped crying and wiped her face of any stray tear and went to bed.

She woke up and got dressed feeling the puffiness of her eyes and went to school dreading the day to come. She walked through the hall trying to ignore the names that she was being called "MONSTER!" She heard one say. Another said "She dresses so horribly that she looks homeless. That WORTHLESS SLUT." Once she reached her locker she goes to open it but feels a pull at the back of her head as someone pulls her hair and throws her down to the ground. She can't see the perpetrator but she knows its the girl who always does this. What happens next is unexpected, after she gets thrown to the ground she gets kicked in the ribs and then in the back. She tries to shield her stomach but fails as someone else yanks her hair as they pick her up and hold her as the others kick her wherever they can reach. The girls eyes start to flutter as she blacked out.
She woke up and realized that she was in a bathroom, she checked the time and saw that school was almost over. She goes to stand up but feels a sharp pain all over her body. She stands up with her body aching and wobbles, she slowly starts to walk out of the school. She thinks about going to the teachers but doesn't bother because she knows that the teachers feel the same way the students do about her.

The girl walks not to her "home" but to the bridge in her town. She stands at the middle of the bridge and she slowly climbs on top of the ledge on it. She sits down wondering if anyone would miss her. She decides it does not matter and stands up facing the sun that was setting. If someone was looking they would see a tear falling down her face but as she was falling a smile could be seen as the girl looked at the sun waiting to be free.

511 words dudes!!
If y'all need to talk pls dm me!
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