Chapter Two

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*Two Days Later*

Taehyung always dreamt of falling in love.

All heartbeats skipping, world around him disappearing, being so enamored with someone that you can't bear to be apart for even a moment, type of love.

He had that with Yoongi. From the first time he'd laid eyes on the man.

It was at the grocery store of all places, both of them wandering through the produce section when Taehyung dislodged a head of lettuce that was apparently the key piece in holding a dozen other heads in place, causing the whole shelf to tumble onto the floor.

Yoongi had been just a few feet away from Taehyung and witnessed the whole clumsy, endearing scene.

When Taehyung frantically looked from the vegetables scattered around his feet– eyes wide in shock, gleaming with innocent embarrassment– up to where the handsome man who would later introduce himself as Yoongi was stood, they both felt it.

The irregular heartbeats, the magnetic pull to the man before them, the world around disappearing as they stared into each other's eyes; all of it. They felt all of it.

The operative word being felt.

From where Taehyung is stood now; behind the kitchen island, slicing a banana for his morning smoothie while periodically eyeing who is sat with his coffee and his phone at the kitchen table, he doesn't feel any of that.

His heartbeat is steady and the messy kitchen around him is very apparent, far from disappearing into the background.

In fact, unless he takes the time to really try to think back to how it was at the beginning of their life together, when they first met those seven years ago to their wedding one year later, he can't remember what it was like.

Can't recollect the ease and effortlessness that came with their love because now, all of that is gone.

They find themselves grasping for something to keep the marriage afloat when they are both just... there.

Living day to day far too deeply seeded into their domestic routines for there to be anything exciting or new to throw a wrench in the cycle.

Taehyung has considered divorce once or twice before, debating back and forth about if hope is actually lost or if maybe their marriage isn't failing, just stagnant. Stuck in a rut.

If that's true Taehyung doesn't know what can be done to fix it. Or where they can even find time to try.

They're both just so busy.

That's another problem they have. They are workaholics of sorts in their respective fields.

Yoongi is a notable contractor in the Commercial Construction world, working primarily with big companies to help them plan for the building of large scale office buildings.

Taehyung doesn't really know all that much about Yoongi's job in all honesty though. The details have always been a bit boring when Yoongi has tried to talk more in depth about his job.

What he does know is that it takes Yoongi away for days at a time once, twice, maybe three times per month.

Yoongi's traveling has never bothered him though. His own job requires him to travel often as well.

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