Code 1: One Year Later Deja vu

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Character Profiles. 

Mitsuzuri Erika:  Age: 18

Specialty Programming/Mechatronics

Hair color: Maroon 

Eye Color: Purple

Only daughter of the Mitsuzuri house. A slight sugar addict, who is reserved and quiet around at school, but very bright and full of energy when it comes to her work. She sometimes considers herself as a hikikomori since she never comes out of her room. She tends to  have bad luck at time which results to her getting injured a lot and poor sense of direction.

Hajime: Age:?? 

Hair Color: White/silver 

Eye color: Blue. 

An AI created by Erika. She is energetic and has a child-like manner. But also helps Erika with many of her projects and looks out for Erika's health. She refers Erika as "mama" since she sees Erika's caring personality as mother-like. On her free time, she likes to read romance novels. 

Mitsuzuri Ritsue: Age: 26 

Hair Color: Sandy blonde 

Eye color: Purple. 

One of Erika's older brother who is carefree and always friendly. He works as a doctor at one of the hospitals that is owned by his Family. He is well liked by everyone but he tends to have a sister complex over Erika and dotes on her. He encourages Erika to do the things she loves and cares for her health.

Mitsuzuri Tatsuya: Age: 26

Hair Color: black 

Eye color: purple 

Erika's other brother. He works as the head chief of the Mitsuzuri Company. Unlike Ritsu, he looks cold and strict, but he is actually caring and nice softy. He's even the one who made Erika in to a sugar addict. Ritsu and Erika looked up to Tatsuya as a role model and the oldest of the three despite being Ritsu's twin.

Awai Haruse: Age: 26 Hair color: black Eye color: green.

An old friend of Ritsu and a professor at San Fransokyo Institute of technology. He becomes Erika's mentor at the school and helps her when she's in need. Erika considers Haru as another brother. Still young, he is quite popular with the female students.


 Code 1: One Year Later Deja vu

Packing her bag, Erika made one last check to make sure she had everything, then looked at the mirror once last time. She brushed back her maroon hair that was now a bit passed her shoulders.

"Mou, you're going to be late, mama!!" She heard Hajime's voice in the room.

"I know," she told her. Giving a confident nod and smiled. "Okay, ready." Taking her bag and phone, she quickly left her room and rushed down the stairs. Just as was about to run past the doors, a cold scoff was let out.


Erika stopped and turned to the woman at the top of the stairs. She stood looking down at her with a frown and sharp cold blue eyes.

"How many times did I tell you not to run down the halls." The brunette scolded.

Erika mentally sighed, "I apologize, but I'm running a bit late..." She told her, "Mother..." She added after a small pause. 

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