Chapter 3: Meeting Aunt Yelena

Start from the beginning

???: Oh, she didn't tell you? Natasha, you didn't tell him about your other family?

Y/N: Other family?

Mum sighs.

Natasha: Y/N, this is Yelena Belova, she's my adoptive sister, she's your aunt technically.

Y/N: Aunt?

Yelena: Yep, it's nice to finally meet you Y/N, or should I call you Scarlet Spider?

I shake my head.

Y/N: No, Y/N's fine.

Yelena: Okay.

Yelena then looks at mum.

Yelena: I can't believe you brought it back here.

She then walks off.

Natasha: Look, I'm not here trying to be your friend but I need you to tell me what that is.

Yelena then tells us that it's a synthetic gas that cures mind control.

Yelena: Why don't one of you take it to one of your super-scientist friends? Tony Stark perhaps?

Natasha: Yeah, we're not exactly on speaking terms with Tony. Either of us.

Yelena: Why's that?

Y/N: Because he tried to kill my father, and then Captain America and I.

Yelena: Right. Where's an Avenger when you need one?

Natasha: I don't wanna be here. Y/N and I are on the run, you coulda gotten us both killed.

Yelena: I didn't know what to do with it. I sent it to you because you're the only super person I know. I kept checking the news, expecting to see Captain America and his sidekick Scarlet Spider taking down the Red Room.

Y/N: Woah, I'm not his sidekick.

Natasha: Taking down the Red Room? What are you talking about? It's been gone for years.

We then find out that the Red Room is still around because it turns out Dreykov, the leader of the Red Room survived the explosion that mum had thought had killed him.

Yelena also mentions Dreykov's daughter, which causes mum to freeze up.

As mum and aunt Yelena continue to talk my spider sense goes off as there are enemies above us.

Mum comes over and puts her hand on my shoulder.

Natasha: Y/N, baby boy. What's wrong?

Y/N: Someone's above us. Get back!

I push mum back the ceiling gives in and an explosion happens. We then see red lazer sights moving around the room.

(Five minutes later)

After getting out of the building and seeing a Widow commit suicide we get to bikes that aunt Yelena had.

As we're going down the street we get knocked off the bikes and land on the street below.

We then steal a car and I get into the driver seat, with Yelena I'm the front with me and mum sat in the back.

I reverse and back into another car.

Yelena: Anytime now?

Y/N: Oh my god, shut up!

I then manage to pull out and drive away with a Widow on a motorbike behind us.

As I'm driving through the streets of Budapest the Widow shoots at us breaking the windows.

Aunt Yelena looks at me.

Yelena: Have you got a plan? Or should I just stay in cover?

Y/N: My plan was to drive us away!

Yelena: Well, it's a shit plan.

Y/N: If you've got a better one, then by all means help out.

Yelena grabs the steering wheel and turns it so we're driving in reverse. She then kicks the car door open and it breaks off when we hit a street sign.

This causes the Widow to crash and fall of the motorbike.

I then spin the car back around.

Yelena: You're welcome.

Y/N: Show off.

We then turn around the corner and see that the truck that was chasing us before is back.

Yelena then looks back.

Yelena: Oh shit, it's him again.

Mum and I look back and see that it's the guy who attacked us back in Norway.

He pulls out a bow and arrow.

Natasha: You two put your seat belts on.

Yelena: You're such a mum.

Y/N: Tell me about it.

We then get hit with an explosive arrow that busts the car up and the explosion sends us down into the subway.

The three of us get out of the car and we see that Yelena is bleeding. She tries to wrap it up, but mum stops her.

Natasha: No, don't. Trust me.

Mum, Yelena and I then head down into the subway and we jump up into a ventilation system and escape the Red Room assassin.

I open the hatch up and see that he's gone.

Y/N: Okay, he's gone.

We look at Yelena.

Natasha: You okay?

Yelena: Yeah, that was a good plan. I liked the part where I almost bled to death.

Natasha: Who was that guy.

Yelena: He's Dreykov's special project. He's call-sign is Taskmaster. He can mimic anyone he's ever seen. It's like fighting a mirror.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Taskmaster? It's always the crazy one's that name themselves.

Yelena: Dreykov only deploys him for top-priority missions.

After a bit of aguring for mum and Yelena we find out that mum killed Dreykov's daughter whilst trying to kill him.

She said his daughter was collateral damage.

After that conversation we decide to leave and get out of the city.

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