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"Iruma-Sama" both Clara and Asmodeus were calling for Iruma waiting at his front gate of Sullivans mansion

"coming!" Iruma yelled back as he ran towards the door. "Bye Opera, Ojiichan" Iruma said as he went running out the door

"he didn't even give me a hug" Sullivan sulked magically turning into chibi mode

"you can tell master Iruma has become a lot more comfortable in the Demon world" Opera remarked to Sullivan. Ignoring what Sullivan had said "but I still wonder why did you choose master Iruma? out of every Demon in the Demon World?" Opera asked

"I don't know but we'll know soon" Sullivan said no longer in his chibi mode he was serious now. As he watched Iruma and his friends walk to school from inside the Mansion.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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