“That's Frog's pattern.” Said Geo.

“Now let's all look for him. Do you see my frog?”

Apple Bloom looks up at a shelf, and she sees Frog.

“There's Frog!” She said.

“He's on that shelf.”

“There he is.” Geo said.

“You found him. Thanks!”

Then she Geo skated up to the shelf, and grabbed Frog.


“Way to go!” Cheered Scootaloo.

“Frog, we found you!” Geo said.

Then Geo skated to his bed, and put Frog on it.

“I'm gonna put you right here.”

Then suddenly, the dish on Bot's head spins.

Geo gasped.

“It's the Umi alarm. Gotta go, little buddy.

Geo skated to Milli, Bot, and the ponies.

“That sound means someone needs our help.” Said Bot.

Milli said, “When someone has a problem in Umi City, we fix it with our…”

“Mighty Math Powers!” the team and crusaders said together.

“We're Team Umizoomi!”

Bot said, “We can find out who needs our help right here on my belly belly…

“Belly screen!” The team finished.

Bot's screen turns on, and a boy appears.

“Team Umizoomi, it's me Jake, I really need your help.” The boy said.

“Hi, Jake. What's the problem?” Milli asked.

“I'm at the carnival with my class, and I lost my favorite stuffed animal, Bunny.” Jake replied as he showed a picture of his stuffed animal.

“Here's a picture of him. Team Umizoomi, can you help me find my bunny?”

“You can count on us, Jake. We'll find your bunny.” Milli replied.

“Thanks, Team Umizoomi.” Jake said.

Bot screen changes, and the stuffed animal picture appears.

“We need to find Bunny, and get him back to Jake. And we need your help.” Milli said.

“Will you help us find Jake's bunny?”

“Absolutely!/Sure!/ Yeah!” The crusaders replied.

The ponies' cutie marks started glowing.

“We will be coming along too.” Said Twilight.

“You will? Umi-riffic!” Milli said.

“Yes!” Said Geo.

“Yeah!” Said Bot.

“Now you're on Team Umizoomi, with us.” Milli said.

“We'll call you, Umi-friends.”

“Hello, Umi-friends.” Said Bot.

“Welcome to the team.” Said Geo.

“Let's get our Mighty Math Powers ready!” Said Milli.

“You got it!” Said Scootaloo.

[Musical number]

Milli: I'm Milli!
I can make any pattern with my dress
Pattern of butterflies! Pattern Power!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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