Each player on Team OP could play almost all the champions. It was impossible to do anything to hurt them during the ban & pick round-- --Just when you think you had picked a champion which could suppress the opponent's picked champion, they would pick a different one, which you hadn't thought about. And after careful checking, you'd find out the new champion could counter the champion you had picked in terms of skills and special abilities-- --In the meanwhile, the champion which you had tried to target in the first place had already been put to use in another position.

The switch would instantly change the team's position from passive to aggressive.

-- --This was the trick Team OP constantly played, shocking yet amazing.

What Tong Yao was most concerned about was Team OP's mid player-- --Jin Yuguang had played for the team for five years, from an intern all the way to the core player. He was the captain of the team, tall and a bit overweight. Some people nicknamed him 'the mainstay of OP's champion pool.' Though he wasn't the one who usually carried the game for the team, his presence in any game was reassuring to the team; even if the team was behind two matches, the team would eventually win the best of five.

-- --Their nickname 'war god' was mainly given because of him.

Xiao Rui had arranged two skirmishes with them; Tong Yao would play one and Lu Yue would play the other one. The arrangement was to prepare ZGDX for the world tournament. By facing strong teams from Korea, ZGDX had to become more flexible in order to move further up-- --Neither Tong Yao, nor Lu Yue had any objections. Lu Yue had proved himself with his performance to be a qualified player for the team after he replaced Tong Yao for the game she had been banned from. Tong Yao wouldn't dare relax on her own training since Lu Yue was right behind her......

Sleeping early like she first joined the team was already a thing of the past. It was quite normal for her to play ranked till 1 am-- --Usually when she came off the computer, her brain was blank, the only thing she could remember was positioning and farming.

After she had confirmed the training plan before she went to bed Sunday night, Tong Yao sat at her own seat the whole next day without moving much......In order not to shame herself in front of her Korean counterpart on Wednesday, she wanted to make sure that even if she couldn't kill the opponent, at least she could play on the same level as him.

She could make up her stream hours at the same time.

The latest version of the game wouldn't allow players above Master level to play duo. So Tong Yao used Lu Yue's id to play duos with Old K's jungler. Lu Yue on the other hand used Tong Yao's id to play solo.

The whole day, Tong Yao and her teammates were diligently playing games on their computers at base. Once in a while, someone would get up to get some water. Aside from the exchanges between Tong Yao and Old K there was hardly any conversation. The base was filled with the sound of clicking mice and clacking keyboards-- --

"The Kassadin's only level three, come now or you won't be able to get him later."

"Let me check. I've seen this AD before. He likes to signal at bot, if no one responds, he'll keep signaling."

"Don't mind him, just don't mind him."

"He'll blast you if you don't respond."

"What are you afraid of, you can't read Korean anyway."


They had just started another ranked match. Tong Yao and Old K were busy nagging about their teammates. Li Sicheng happened to finish one of his matches and threw down his mouse and stood up to move his wrist around. He stood behind Tong Yao to watch her play, in the meantime he picked up the cup on his desk to take a sip of water. He swallowed the water but then paused.

He quickly put down the cup, went to the bathroom, coughed a few times, then started to brush his teeth.

When Lu Sicheng came back, anyone could smell the minty toothpaste in his breath. He knocked on Tong Yao's desk: "The opponent's jungler has already finished a set of monsters at the upper half of the jungle. Are you still going to farm and wait until you get ganked? If you're going to play this way on Wednesday and the opponent chooses Rengar, then he'll clean mid lane out."

Tong Yao: "......Then ban Rengar."

Lu Sicheng: "There are others: Evelynn, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks. How about you get Riot Games to let you ban 10 champions?"

Tong Yao: "......"

Tong Yao immediately retreated.

Old K: "You two mids play totally different. I have to prepare two different methods to work with you two, what a pain. I would like to suggest that the team arrange a substitute for me as well."

Lu Sicheng: "You're the first one to ask for a substitute on his own. Have you given up on the dream?"

Old K: "......"

A lot of bullet comments showed up on her stream-- --

[666666666 Your captain is really annoying]

[He'll diss you when you say something disagreeable]

[Hahahahahaha Cheng Ge, go away, don't bully our cute mid jungler duo]


"Still have the bullet comments on. Turn it off. Concentrate on your training. What's the point of watching them talk nonsense."

As he was talking, Lu Sicheng picked up his cup and put it onto Tong Yao's face-- --Tong Yao, startled by the cold, shrank her neck, and her hand slipped, missing a siege minion. She screeched: "Lu Sicheng! What are you doing!"

"After this match, go wash my cup for me."


"Because I drank some cat hair in my cup." Lu Sicheng said flatly: "Summer is here. Even I, an unloving person, knows that pets will lose hair. Can you take your cat to the pet shop to have a bath?"

Tong Yao pushed the hand holding the cup away: "So you know you're an unloving person."

Lu Sicheng kept his eyes fixed on Tong Yao's computer screen: "Indeed and that's why under the circumstances, I'm already being kind asking you to wash the cup rather than beat you up.-- --The enemy's already level 3, Old K, why are you still farming in the jungle? Come gank"

Old K and Tong Yao: "......"

Tong Yao finished playing the ranked match under Lu Sicheng's asperous scrutiny. After she was done with the match, she stood up and searched the room for her cat, finally finding it sleeping under Lu Sicheng's computer desk, holding Lu's slippers with its legs. The hair on the cat, which Tong Yao had combed just that morning, was sticking out all over the place in a complete mess. Tong Yao picked the cat up and rushed into the yard outside the base to comb its hair once again. She watched the hair fly under the sunlight and sneezed. She decided to listen to Lu Sicheng and take the cat to the pet shop for a bath.


The next morning, Tong Yao called to make an appointment with a pet grooming shop near the base, then stuffed the resisting cat into the cage.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning when Tong Yao got to the shop. It was a working day and few customers were in the shop. There was only one customer ahead of her......Tong Yao walked in the shop and told the receptionist her appointment, then she seemed to sense there was something not quite right inside the shop-- --

Tong Yao looked up to check the inside of the shop. She saw the only other customer in the shop who was sitting on a chair playing on her cell phone. Next to this customer, there was a little sickly kitten lying on a cushion......To be more exact, the young lady and the kitty both didn't look like they were in a good condition.

"I know you." The young lady suddenly spoke: "You're ZGDX's mid, right?"


"We met at the flower and pet market the other day." The young lady said with a smile: "I was with Tailun Ge that day."

Tong Yao also recognized her-- --

She finally recognized her, not because of the person but the little kitten.

Tong Yao handed over Dabing to the staff of the shop and walked over to the young lady: "What's wrong with the kitten?"

"It came down with a cold and was probably very stressed being taken to the base with so many people around. I shouldn't have taken it to the movie theater that day." As she was talking, she stood up from the chair: "Tailun Ge doesn't have time to take care of it and told me to take it to the vet......Ugh, but I need to go to work today. I have to go to the office to punch in in a little while. I was just worrying about what to do with the cat, could you watch over it for me temporarily? I'll come back to get it in a short while."

Tong Yao looked at the kitten, then glanced over at the young lady who had already walked over to the doorway. Tong Yao used her fingers to carefully stroke the kitten: "You shouldn't buy it if you don't want to keep it."

The young lady stopped and responded with an en, then turned around to walk out of the shop-- --

"Miss, do you know how Xu Tailun explained the whole thing during his stream?"

The young lady suddenly stood still outside the doorway. She turned to take a look at Tong Yao then flatly replied: "I heard it."


Tong Yao had nothing more to say.

Tong Yao watched the young lady walk away.

She took out her cell phone-- --

[ZGDX, Smiling: Captain, how many matches will I be banned for if I take someone else's cat away without asking?]

[fhdjwhdb2333: What's wrong with you now?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: I'm thinking of commiting a crime.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: You better not.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Where are you now?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: ......At the pet shop, why?]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Nothing. I'll just go over and beat some sense into you.]

Ten minutes later, a pet shop worker came into the shop to tell Tong Yao: "Young lady, your boyfriend drove here to pick you and your cat up. Why haven't you told him that we're just starting to bathe your cat now? Why is he in such a hurry?"

Tong Yao: "................................................."

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