Chapter 1- Andromeda's Anguish

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The night was cold and dark, even the stars seemed dimmer than usual as a cloaked figure made its way through the streets of London. Its breath came out in ragged bursts of frozen air as it clutched a large parcel tightly to its chest. Snow had begun to fall, twirling softly through the air and collecting in clumps among the gutters. It was a rather respectable neighborhood and the tattered fabric of the person's cloak stood out like a sore thumb, although there was no passerby on the street to notice.

Suddenly, the figure stopped in front of a series of townhouses, taking a slip of paper from inside its pocket and muttering a few words. All at once, the very foundation of the townhouses shifted, moving over to reveal another building from between its walls. The number twelve glimmered from beside the door of the hidden house, which seemed rather unwelcome with its dark shutters.

The cloaked figure froze, as though it was rethinking its choice to reveal such a dismal place, but after a few moments, it climbed up the front steps and raised the knock, which seemed to be in the shape of a dragon's claw, before letting the iron thump onto the door.

It was opened almost immediately and the figure shrunk back, clutching its parcel in its arms as a shrewd woman appeared in the doorway, her features dark and severe. She was the type of woman that spoke of old wealth and centuries of extravagance and a pair of diamond earrings glimmered all the way to her shoulders. However, the wrinkles on her forehead revealed her true age as she scowled at the figure.

"What do you want?"

The cloaked figure raised a hand, pulling down its hood to reveal a feminine face. The brunette woman shared similar features to the owner of the house, although her expression was much softer and her gaze glimmered with tears.

"Andromeda," the older woman sucked in a harsh breath, her painted lips shrinking in distaste. "How dare you—"

"Please!" Andromeda interrupted, looking over her shoulder worriedly, as though she was being followed. "Walburga, I don't have much time."

Walburga had already begun to close the heavy door, her face cold. "If this is about my traitor of a son—".

Andromeda reached down and adjusted her parcel, revealing the small face of a child. A few dark curls framed the little girl's face as she peered up at the women curiously, her eyes a deep brown.

"Is that his little freak—"

"Your granddaughter," Andromeda snapped, seeming to lose her temper for an instant. Closing her eyes, the woman took a deep breath through her nostrils before regaining her even tone. "She has no one left to look after her."

Walburga raised a dark eyebrow, her gaze expressionless. "And you come to me?" She sniffed, her lips curling in disgust. "That muggle of yours—"

"Ted," Andromeda retorted, adjusting the girl in her arms. "Would take her in a heartbeat. But, as you know," her voice seemed almost accusatory. "We already have too much a target on our backs. She won't be safe."

Walburga watched the girl in extreme distaste as she waved her fists in the air, burbling at the sky. "I have no desire to care for his bastard."

Andromeda flinched, a flame of rage flickering in her gaze as she set the girl down gently, wrapping the blanket tighter around her form. "You have the means to keep her safe." There was a pause as the woman chewed on her lip, her eyes glistening. "Think of Regu—"

"DO NOT SAY HIS NAME!" Walburga shrieked, showing a glimpse of emotion for the first time as her hands trembled from where they clutched the door frame.

"Aunt Walburga, this is your second chance." Andromeda pressed on, her voice urgent. "You can save her."

There was a heavy pause as the older woman's eyes traveled over the small girl, noting the dark curls that framed her face and reminded her so much of her younger son. Finally, she gave a short nod, gathering the girl into her arms and slamming the door without another word.

Andromeda was left alone, standing on the steps motionlessly as a few tears fell from her cheeks. "Forgive me, Sirius."

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