Ouchies (E'Last)

76 2 1

Caregiver: All members

Little: Baekgyeul and Hyuk

Age: Hyuk: 4 but slips younger

Baekgyeul: starts at 5 but slips younger

Grene: Fluff

Members names so I don't confuse you: Rano- Dada, Innie- Momma, Seungyeop- Appa, Romin- Minnie, Wonjun- Junjun and Yejun- Junnie

Story Line: The boys haven't taken their babies to the park for a while. In suggested it to the members they agree. They're all having fun till Baekgyeul trips and falls, hurting himself slipping younger as Hyuk slips younger seeing his older brother hurt and in pain.

Baekgyuel and Hyuk were in the living room playing with their stuffies, when Innie walked into the kitchen with the other members. "Hey guys, it's been awhile since we took our babies outside. Should we all go to the park today? I found one that is very secluded and not many people go there we could go to?" Innie asked "Sure I bet they would love it and we could all use a break from the dorm anyways" Rano said "Okay great I'll go tell them the good news. Do some of you want to go pack the emergency bag?" "We can" with that Yejun Romin and Wonjun ran off to get the littles things " Wait guys make sure to pack a couple of dummies." In yelled "Why, the youngest either one of them slipped is 3?" Romin asked, " I'm not sure I have a feeling we will need them." "Okay then, I will make sure to pack them" Romin said as he walked off to help the others. While Romin, Wonjun, and Yejun rushed to pack the bag the other 3 walked into the living Innie went over and picked up baekgyeul who screeched 'Momma I was playing wifh Hyukie'' but once he said that he heard Hyuk laughing and looked over to see Seungyeop had picked Hyuk up and was spinning him in circles "stop it appa" hyuk tried to say while laughing to hard. "Okay okay everyone, time to calm down. We have good news little ones" Rano said excitedly "What is dada?" they both asked "Well we're tak-- "Who's ready to go to the park" Junjun said excitedly as he came running back into the living room with the emergency bag packed. "PARKKK" the littles yelled and jumped down off there momma and appa and ran and tackled Junnie in a hug. "Okay littles lets get our shoes on and then we can head out to park" Minnie said

Time skip to the park:

"Minnie and Junnie will you please push me on the swing" Hyuk asked kindly "Of course little one lets get some sunscreen on first then we can go swing" "otay Minnie and Junnie" Hyuk said excitedly "Lovely what would you like to do" his momma questioned " I don't know" Gyeul said shrugging his shoulders "I have an idea lovely why don't we go down the slides for a little bit" his dada asked "otay dada" so Baekgyeul his dada and Junjun who had decided to join that bunch ran to the slides. Innie went to check on everybody before coming back and joined Seungyeop on the bench just happily watching his family playing. He rested his head on Seungyeop's shoulder "Innie if you would like u can rest a little bit I can watch them all take a break" Seungyeop said as he brushed his hand thru Innie's hair. " M'kay wake me up if anything happens" "I will now rest for a little bit" After about 5 minutes the littles came running back as there appa made sure they stayed quiet he got out there snack bag that Innie had brought with and pulled out 2 juice boxes and handed them to the littles before grabbing 6 water bottles and handing them out to the other caregivers. "Are you all having little ones?" their appa asked them "Yes the littles" said quietly so they didn't bother their momma "I'm glad how about after this we play a little bit of tag does that sound fun?" "Yes let's play tag Hyukie" "Otay!" the 2 little yelled dada's it and ran off while Rano was to busy enjoying his water he didn't hear the littles so Romin nudged him and said "You better start running or you aren't going to catch them" with that there dada took off to go tag his littles. Rano caught up to Hyuk and tagged him and said your it and started to run away again Hyuk just giggled and ran off to find the next person that he was gonna tag by now all the caregivers were up playing tag with the littles Hyuk managed to run up behind his Appa and tagged him he turned around and seen his little say your it and ran off. Seungyeop ran off and tagged Minnie who then tagged Junnie who ran around for 3 minutes trying to find his next target when he seen Baekgyeul standing there he ran up and tagged him and said your it, Baekgyeul giggled then ran off he spotted Junjun and was running to tag him but he didn't see the little step from the grass onto the cement and tripped. He fell down and started to scream. Junjun saw it happen first and ran over to his little Gyuelie but once he saw his knees he yelled to his fellow caregivers to get the first aid kit.

Once Innie heard his baby cry he was wide awake scanning the playground when he saw his little crying holding his knees he grabbed the first aid kit and ran over to his little. What's wrong lovely Innie said in the calmest voice but all he got was cries he decided to hold his little while Romin worked on cleaning his knees. The little squirmed trying to get his knees away from  Minnie but his momma held him tighter. Once Romin started to dab at his scraped knees he started to sob again. That's when Innie remembered that he had Romin pack a couple of dummies he asked Rano to grab the dummy and hand it to him. Innie didn't know how old his baby was as he never slipped younger than 5 but he wanted to see if a dummy would help calm his little once Rano handed him the dummy he placed it against his baby's lips and Baekgyeul happily took it suckling on it while calming down. Once they finally had Baekgyeul calmed down to where it was just lite sniffles they heard someone else crying and turned their heads to see there other little crying Seungyeop ran over and picked up his little bouncing him on his hip to help calm him down enough to ask "Oh honey what's wrong" "Gyeulie is hrt. Me sad cause he hrt" " Oh lovely he is okay he just fell and scraped his knees look baby he is almost asleep in mommy's arms. "How about we all head home and watch a movie till bedtime?" Junjun asked, seeing how one little had slipped really young and how he knew hyukie wouldn't want to be away from his brother at all. "Sounds like a plan Romin can you take Baekgyeul for a minute so I can get up?" Innie asked "Of course" but as soon as Romin had Baekgyeul he started to sob again being away from his momma "omma ma" Baekgyeul tried to say but it just came out as nonsense to his caregivers Innie knowing he slipped even younger got up quickly packed up there things quickly handing them to Yejun so he could take his crying baby back. "Rano can you take Hyuk for are walk back my arms are getting tired" Seungyeop asked "Of course i'll take this little bean" Seungyeop quickly handed him over and as soon as he was in his dada's arms he nestled his head into his neck and started suckling on his shirt. Rano who started to feel the wetness on his shirt and saw his baby suckling on his shirt and cooed "Is are baby feeling younger" Hyuk only whined and nestled closer into Rano. Romin saw Hyuk suckling on his dada's shirt and pulled the second dummy he packed just in case out of the bag he had and handed it to Rano who slipped it into his littles mouth that happily sighed and started to suck on the dummy.

Time Skip back at the dorms:

They all got back to the dorms In and Seungyeop had the job of giving a bath to Baekgyeul while Rano and Romin had the job of giving a bath to Hyuk. Wonjun chose the movie Finding Nemo and Yejun was making bottles for their two littles. They decided on the way back from the park to try and give them both bottles before bed considering how young they have slipped. Once the 2 littles were bathed and in their onesies Yejun came in handing Innie a bottle for Baekgyeul and the other to Romin who had a almost asleep Hyuk in his lap. Romin pulled Hyuk's dummy out and he immediately started to whine and get fussy but as soon as Romin put the bottle to his lips he happily latched on and started to drink all of his bottle. When Romin looked down, his little one was passed out in his arms. He was going to carry him to their shared room when Hyuk opened his eyes and said sleep here. In the end they had a sleepover in the living room with Hyuk laying on top of Romin and Rano and Baekgyeul laying on top of Innie and Junnie.

The ending is weird so please forgive

Longest one yet :)

Word Count: 1625

Bye bye Lovelies 

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