Chapter 1

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                                                              Sierra's P.O.V.

Sierra lazily stared at the T.V. in her New York apartment not really sure what to do. Usually she'd be hanging out with her friends but they were all over the place. Norm was on a getaway with his wife, Hadley was on a date with Rosalie so she couldn't facetime him and Ramin, well Ramin was in England visiting his family. Ramin had been on her mind throughout the entire week but she could never understand why. She sighed, she missed the goofball.

Sierra looks over at the clock, it read 12 pm. She had wasted the whole morning just sitting in her apartment. She normally wouldn't have minded but her legs were itching to move so she groggily stood from the couch and made her way to her room. Sierra decided she was probably going to get a coffee and chill at Central Park for a while. Sierra changed from her sweats to a pair of jeans and an oversized tan crossed knit sweater. She ran a comb through her hair before she left her apartment which was strangly quiet ever since Tam had left.

Tam and her had called of the engagement a few months back due to mutual disintrest. After getting engaged they just lost that spark and that was that. She and Tam still remained friends which was a relief to both of them who tried not to make a big deal when breaking off the engagement. Sure at the time Sierra felt sad because she had been dating Tam for a while but they both knew this was for the best.

Once Sierra got to the coffee shop she ordered a pepermint mocha. Once the barista called her name she thanked him and took a sip if her coffee, pure bliss. She braced herself for the wind outside, it wa fall so it wasn't to cold but the wind was the worst part of the upcoming season. Sierra made her way through the crowded sidewalks of New York and somehow managed to make it to Central Park without spilling coffee on herself.

Sierra sat on the closest bench in the park she could find and sat down. While she sipped her coffee and watched people make their way around the park she could help herself but wonder what Ramin was doing right now.


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