Chapter 1 ~ home

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I sit in our dull, small living room with plain white walls and one old blue mangy couch,that is NOT very comfy at all. The kitchen is just around the other side of the wall,where I can hear "it"(my younger step brother, Matthew) chasing one of his "pet" rats. The kitchen looks like its been pulled strait out of the 1900's with bland gray tiles and topped off with bright green cupboard doors which I think were added in the 60's. There's only one bedroom also nothing special, with off white walls and one ancient king size bed. Matthew and I usually sleep in the living room because mums always bringing home men who she says are here to help her job. they always go to the bedroom to work, and I think they must be working very hard because they always make lots of sounds. I dont go to school because I look after Matthew when mums at work witch is all day, a 15 year old in charge of a 6 year old. mum works at what she calls a " strip club" I dont know what that is but I think she dose a good job because she gets paid a lot. But still were poor .

More coming tomorrow
Any questions about me or the story im happy to answer 😄

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