"Not until you stop being a brat" Adam laughed spinning around.

"You're gonna make us fall" DJ squealed.

"Hey cake eaters" Someone called making  both DJ and Adam turn their attention.

"Wanna play some real hockey?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah" Adam spoke excitedly, voice cracking.

Adam went to skate away but still had DJ on his shoulder.

"Ah hon still on your shoulder" she reminded

"Oh whoops" Adam laughed setting her down. "Now we can go" he grinned


After a quick skate through the city, Goldberg rolling down a hill, and an unwanted undergarments fashion show thrown by the hawks, the Ducks were finally back and reunited with Gordon.

"Dad's home?" DJ looked at the man confused.

"Yeah he's been home since yesterday, he didn't tell you?" Lexi questioned as she held hands with the girl.

"No I just found out he got hurt this morning" DJ frowned.

"I'm sorry Lee Lee, I thought you knew. I would have told you" Lexi rushed out.

"Don't worry about it Lex Lex. I'm sure it was just a miscommunication" DJ smiled.

Lexi nodded continuing to swing their hands oblivious to DJ's frown.

"Oh no, I have to pack. I have no idea what I'm gonna wear. Lee Lee I have no clothes, there's so much to do" Lexi panicked, eyes widening.

"Lex have you seen your closet" Dj laughed

"That's only because my father is a rich asshole" Lexi reminded.

"I'll come help you pack tomorrow, I promise" The older girl smiled.

"You better cause Bear is no help with packing." The younger girl giggled.

"Wait does this mean we can be roommates" She gasped, bouncing.

"Maybe, I'd love to room with my favorite Conway" DJ whispered winking.

"I promise I won't tell bear" She giggled.

"You better not. Or I'll never hear the end of it" DJ smiled.


After deciding to push the conversation with her father to tomorrow, Dahlia walked into the Banks' household with Adam.

"I'll meet you upstairs, I'm going to go talk to your mom really quick" she smiled to him.

"Okay I'll be in my room" Adam nodded looking around before kissing her softly.

DJ grinned before walking around to find Alice.

"Oh mama b" She singsonged walking around aimlessly

"You must be in- oh my god" DJ gasped holding a hand over her mouth. "Please tell me that's a thermometer"

"I wish it was" Alice sniffled

Dahlia quickly shut the door and locked it. "Mama B what happened"

"I thought I was going through early menopause. I guess not" She laughed dryly.

"Is it positive" DJ asked getting closer.

"Yeah" Alice whimpered nodding her head. "My god what am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell Phil? What am I gonna tell Adam? Aidans in college so it doesn't really affect him as much as it would Adam. I don't know what to do"

"Well, you might want to start by talking to Mr. B first, and go from there" The girl smiled softly.

"I'm terrified" the woman whispered.

"Why? You're the strongest woman I know. You have nothing to be worried about. Well maybe besides morning sickness but that's about it" DJ laughed softly.

"And don't worry about Adam or Mr. B, cause they're going to be so happy. Adam's going to be so relieved that you aren't mad at him. He thought he was doing something wrong because you've been "yelling" at him. This really explains it"

"What would I do without you honey" Alice smiled wiping her eyes.

"Die amongst the overwhelming testosterone that is your household" DJ teased.

"You're a blessing truly" Alice grinned.

"Mama B can I tell you something" DJ asked, feeling like it was the moment to tell her.

"Of course" The woman smiled.

"Adam and I are-" DJ was cut off by Phil.

"Honey are you home" He called

"In the bathroom Phil" Alice answered. "What were you saying sweetie"

"Oh just that Adam and I are so excited to compete in the Goodwill Games" DJ smiled covering up what she was originally  going to say, to avoid a possible conflict.

"I know, I'm so proud of you guys" Alice smiled happily.

"Yeah" DJ smiled. "I'm gonna let you guys talk and I'll be in Adam's room"


"Oh my god you're gonna be so mad at me" DJ rushed out as she got to Adam's room.

"What? What happened?" Adam panicked

"I almost let it slip to your mom that we're dating, and it felt like the right moment, and I should have waited to see if it was alright with you, and I'm sorry but I could help it" DJ rambled, panicking slightly.

"Would you calm down" Adam laughed. "I'm not mad I promise"

"Oh thank god because I need a cuddle session right now." DJ said relieved

"Come here sweetheart" He smiled opening his arms.

DJ crawled into his arms and tucked her head into his chest.

"Did you know my dad was home" She asked.

"No, did he not tell you?" Adam questioned as he brushed hair out of her face gently.

"Nope. Maybe it was just a miscommunication or he wanted to surprise me" She thought hopefully.

"I'm sure it was my love. Now close your eyes and take a nap" Adam smiled kissing her head

"I l-" he paused deciding not to say it.

"You what" DJ asked eyes closed.

"I'll wake you up in an hour" Adam covered up, wanting to slap himself.

"Okay, you take a nap too okay" she yawned falling deeper into sleep.

"I'm so stupid" Adam sighed. "You dummy just say it to her"

"I guess this is another thing we're just going to have to push off till later huh" The boy frowned before kissing her head.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he whispered before closing his eyes pushing the situation till tomorrow.

Hey y'all! Hope you like the update! Don't forget to vote and comment because it gives me motivation to write lol :). I'm hoping to update more but you know me and my horrible update schedule. Love ya bye <3 ❤️‍🔥

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