Chapter Thirty-Three

Comenzar desde el principio

  Elliot pulled Jenna a little too rough causing her to fall onto the black road in a heap. Her little body was worn out from today's events. Much to his horror, it happened right as a Cadillac SUV was coming down the road. The slippery mess caused the car to travel at a faster pace than was recommended.

"Jenna! Get up!" Elliot shouted in horror. He watched as she slipped and fell once more. The car coming closer and closer. Jenna let out a horrified scream that he had never heard before. Before it could reach her, the car turned sharply and crashed into the curb. It had missed Jenna by a second.

  A man emerged from the darkness. He strolled toward Jenna at a fast pace and carefully lifted her into his arms. Her right arm was bent in a sickening shape.

"I believe, my dear, that your arm is broken." He informed her.

"I didn't notice." The little girl snarled through her tears.

"Come along now." He called to Elliot. "We must get her to a hospital."

   Elliot turned at the scene in awe as they walked away. It had seemed odd how something remarkable could happen in the blink of an eye.

Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Saturday, 11th of April, 2020

"Lesson learned, don't run away barefoot," Elliot muttered.

  Jenna looked at Abraxas in astonishment. She was only five when the incident happened. Never had it ever crossed her mind that the way the car made that sharp of a turn to avoid her was odd.

"You were there that day?" asked Jenna. "I—I don't remember you."

Abraxas shook his head, "I'm the man who carried you out of the road." He watched as her mouth fell open in shock. "I witnessed as much as I could. I only intervened when it was necessary. You didn't think at the age of ten you were powerful enough to transport yourself and Mr. Williams to the Scottish Highlands, did you?"

  Jenna sat down as the secrets continued to unravel. Looking deep into her memories, she realized that a blonde-haired man with steel grey eyes appeared in the majority of them. It stung how close he had been to her and she hadn't known him or who he was.

"I don't understand," Draco said. "If you didn't want her here because of who she would become, why did you still put Potter and his friends in her life?"

Sighing, Abraxas looked at the ground, "I realized what the future was going to become under He Who Should Not Be Named. I didn't want that anymore. Jenna was a piece to the puzzle he had created."

  A small tear rolled down Jenna's round cheek. Her dark pools focused on the hardwood floor below her feet. The small, intricate designs focused her mind on other things than her troubled childhood.

"Young Ryder had seemed to be the perfect match for you. Both of you had more in common than I was ever willing to admit." His tone was solemn. "I checked in on you that day and saw that you were alright. I left even though something within me had told me not to."

"Why did you get to watch her grow up!?" Cygnus fumed. "You didn't even want a granddaughter." He felt his arms restrained by Druella and Anita as he reached for his wand.

[̲̅C̲̅] [̲̅R̲̅] [̲̅U̲̅] [̲̅C̲̅] [̲̅I̲̅] [̲̅O̲̅]; a Malfoy family novelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora