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A/n~ Printessa is just princess with a Russian accent

Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up drenched in sweat. Finding the twins had unlocked memories I had tried my best to supress. The torture room. The room where they forced us to practice our powers. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was only 2:32 am. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen. There was no way I'd be able to sleep anyways. 

When I walked through the door there was a crop of silvery hair peeking over the fridge door. When it shut I held in my breath. Pietro was wearing nothing but a pear of sweats. His toned chest was out and I couldn't help but blush. He hadn't noticed me in the doorway yet. I took a moment to breathe before I walked into the light and took a glass from the cupboard.

He stopped what he was doing and slid a carton of orange across the counter. I took it gratefully and poured it into my cup. We just stood there awkwardly drinking before he cleared his throat and caught my gaze. "So y/n how have you been?" He asked. His voice was filled with his rich accent.

" I-I've been ok I guess" I said and looked him straight in the eyes. "The real question is can you forgive me for leaving you?" I asked. His eyes shone momentarily before he answered. "I forgave you when you left because I understand why you did it" He said finally.

I let out a sigh of relief. So they didn't hate me. " Goodnight Printessa" he said and left me standing there dumb struck. Princess? I turned to ask him why but he was already gone. No more than a blur rushing to the elevator.

When I finally left the kitchen and made my way to my room I had 5 texts all from Pietro.

I forgave you but Wanda not so much
She thinks you betrayed us
I'm sure you can settle this
Goodnight Printessa
Hope you sleep well

Goodnight Pietro

I changed his name in my contacts to Pietro 🔵 and shut my phone.

I woke up when Steve knocked on my door. He'd come to tell me that I'd be training with him and Pietro. I moaned and made my way to the bathroom and slunked into the bathroom. I hopped into the shower and relaxed.

Afterwards I dried my hair and pulled on my sports bra and a pair of blue leggings. Tying my hair into a high ponytail I left my room and made my way to the gym. Steve was waiting in his sweats and so was Pietro. He shot me a tentative smile which I gratefully returned. Maybe having the twins back in my life wouldn't be that bad. There was still the whole problem with Wanda but we'd tackle that when it was time.

At the moment all that mattered to me was Pietro. The way he flipped his hair out of his face so he could see what he was doing during the combat training. He whizzed past and winked at me. Steve would have destroyed him in hand to hand combat but Pietro being sneaky refused to stay put for very long. For a while Steve chased a blue blur around the room but at last it was too much. Pietro wasn't really burning energy but the Super Soldier looked tuckered out.

Now it was my turn. I stood in fighting stance my palms glowing with energy. I stormed towards him but he darted out of the way. He doesn't really play fair does he. I tripped over him as he ran past me and began to fall. Within seconds he'd caught me and I was laid on the floor cupped in his arms. I just stared into is eyes and longed for his lips to touch mine. A blush started to rise up my cheeks and he pulled away.

"That's training for today" said Steve breathlessly. With that Pietro was gone.
The memory of his eyes boring into mine wouldn't leave my mind and I pushed again. Why was he making me feel this way?

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