About Jessica :3

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"Hi I'm Jessica, the creator of this book and before we start this story we are gonna get to know the people of The Truffle Club starting with me" as Jessica is speacking her turtle brings a board of her traits "i'll explain Bart the turtle said "ok" jessica said as she sat in a random chair next to the board. "Lets get started shall we" Bert the turtle said, "first of all Jessica loves turtles and i mean LOVES not like LOVES ok...ok, Secondly she is really nice and friendly and has a lot of friends and like everyone else in the club, loves to game" Burt raped up that part of his speach. "She is also playful and has a pet flying rino named richard" Burt raped up his speech and pushed the borad to the other side of the room away from the carmas view. "well thats me, see you in the next video" Jessica said and stoped the recording session right after.     

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