Homemade Strawberry Milk

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Depends on glass size but mainly one


- 6+ Strawberries medium to big sized

- 2 Tbsp sugar or as much sugar to taste

- Glass of Milk


1. Take 6 strawberries and cut the in half, place the now 12 strawberry slices into a bowl and mash them up until it is close to a jam type consistency (do not worry about the left over strawberries that are still shown those can stay). Move the strawberries into a pot on a stove and turn it to Medium-High heat and bring to a boil.

2. Once the strawberries are brought to a boil add in your 2 Tbsp sugar or amount of sugar you want to your taste. Mix the sugar in and move off of the heat.

3. Once the strawberry syrup has cooled get a strainer and a cup you will use for your milk. Strain so only the syrup goes through and the strawberries that are still there don't go through. With the rest of the uncut strawberries into tiny cubes.

4. Pour the milk in and stir, add in the strawberry cubes and enjoy!


This is a little recipe I use all the time for my strawberry milk, I enjoy it being homemade so I thought I'd share it with you. This recipe I have found all over the internet but changed up to to how I like it.

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