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Rᴇᴀᴅʏ Tᴏ Sᴛᴀʀᴛ Rᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ?

Yᴇs        No


Marinette's POV

"Uh- rude- what an ass! I just saved him! A little gratitude would have been nice!" Alix snarked, before turning her attention back to me.

I couldn't help but smile at her. Alix truly was something special.  We had been friends- I would even go as far to say best friends since we were little.  She had always been there for me.  Protecting me, fighting for me, even now.

But I knew that Alix didn't want my gratitude. She would always slap me in the arm when I said thank you to her.  Saying that I had nothing to thank her for.

My tiny grin continued under my breath as Alix grabbed my shoulders and steered me towards a yellow paved road.  It looked like it went on for miles on end.

She nodded at me to follow her, and motioned a finger over her lips to tell me to be quiet.

I looked back at the temple- it was so abnormal. And I wasn't talking about whatever the hell that monster was looking in it.

I mean think about it-

A holy temple that had looked like it had stood the test of time for ages- and I got there with my memory wiped- in an elevator?!

An elevator in a holy temple like this- something wasn't right.

More than that, I stopped in my tracks looking back.

There were several temples.  Exactly like that one down to the detail.

Multiple gigantic temples stood in a row.  One where I and that boy came out of and- like seven gigantic others-

Alix broke my thoughts by snapping and grabbing my hand to follow her down further on the road.  

I was still very aware and cautious but looking around at this scenic view.  I couldn't help but be in awe.  It was like a paradise-

The stories were true.

The air smelled like a familiar pleasant scent that you couldn't quite place- there was a slight breeze but not enough to make you chilly- a big pink moon, washing over your skin. Not to mention, the azure sky clinging to the burning stars around. And it was only mid day-

Below the sky, was a lush green field.  Huge trees sprouted firmly around us; forming a canopy to walk through.  Although these weren't just regular trees- instead of leaves all that bloomed on them were endless mounds of roses.

We were officially inside Papillion, the Kingdom of the Butterfly Spirit. But more than that, we were in the heart, the place where it all started, even before the Holy War.

We were in, The Heart of The Guardians.

Admiring the trees; red, pink, yellow, and white roses puffed out of the delicate branches.  Their petals falling to the floor of our shoes. 

Mama and Papa used to say all the time that we'd get here, and we would see the "rose trees." 

And here I was. Walking through a forest of them- the various crimson shades from a red rose tree casting its petals through the dark. Making the world around us just a little bit smaller, and a little bit brighter.  

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