In the distance, Ercole and his goons are out on their boat while looking for some sea monsters.

"Any sea monsters?" Ciccio asks as he and Guido have their harpoons out and ready while Ercole uses his binoculars to look in the distance.

He then notices Alberto, Luca, and Giulia in the distance as they were training, and then gets an idea. He hasn't noticed Y/n yet, so he didn't even know she was on the boat with the two boys.

"No. But I see some bait," Ercole says with a laugh as he then turns on the motor and drives the boat towards them at full speed.

Back with the others, Giulia was the first to notice Ercole coming towards them.

"Oh, no! It's Ercole! Go, go!" Giulia tells Alberto, Luca, and Y/n.

This makes Y/n, still not in Ercole's view, to wonder what Ercole was up to just as the boys were trying to paddle away, but for some reason couldn't.

As Ercole was driving his boat closer to the boys and Y/n, Guido was starting to get worried about something.

"Ercole?" Guido tells him.

And as they were getting closer, Y/n gets back up and looks in Ercole's direction with a curious look, but then her eyes widens when she sees them coming towards her and the boys at full speed.

Guido then notices her there and gets worried. He grabs onto the handle on the motor and steers the boat in a different direction just before they could hit the three. But this also get water to splash towards them.

Luca and Alberto dodge, but this then results in Y/n to get drenched in water, revealing her (1/f/c) scales and (2/f/c) hair. She yelps and ducks down in the boat so that no one could see her as the boys do the same.

Ercole, still not knowing that Y/n was on the boat with the boys, gets mad at Guido for steering the boat.

"Guido!" He yells at him.

"I... I slipped," Guido tells Ercole.

"Ciccio, slap Guido," Ercole tells Ciccio. He does what he's told and slaps him, but only lightly, making Ercole get annoyed. "Again. Like you mean it."

And just as Giulia was exclaiming to Ercole in Italian, Luca goes to get the towel for Y/n that was on the boat. Y/n gets up a bit to dry off, but just as Luca pulls the towel back, this results in Y/n get hit by Luca's elbow on her nose.

Just as she puts her hand where her nose was and hisses in pain, she takes a few steps back, making her then fall back in the water. Alberto, out of instincts, jumps in after her, revealing his sea monster form, and grabs onto her before she could sink in the water any deeper.

Ercole hears this and looks at the boat in curiosity. But once he noticed only Luca on the boat, he gets confused.

"Where did the other one go?" He questions as Alberto has his back against the boat while his arms were wrapped around Y/n so that she wouldn't go anywhere else as she still had her hands on her nose. It wasn't broken, good thing, and it wasn't bleeding either.

And just as Ercole thought he saw a sea monster's tail, Giulia goes over and rocks the boat a bit as she talks to him in Italian, making Ercole to fall back, also making his wool sweater to fall in the water.

"Giulia! It is wool. It cannot get wet!" Ercole tells Giulia as he takes his wool sweater out of the water, and then hands it to Ciccio and Guido. "Ciccio, make it dry, subito!"

As they were bickering, Alberto and Y/n take the chance to get back on the boat. And once they did, Giulia started to get on as well. Luca thinks fast and covers both Alberto and Y/n with the towel.

"Luca? Alberto? Y/n? Are you okay?" She asks the three.

"Um..." Luca starts to say, just as Alberto and Y/n stand up, making the towel to fall off of them, revealing their human form.

"We're good! Good, good, good," Alberto tells Giulia as he ad Y/n give her a nervous smile.

"Well, I think that's enough training for today," Giulia says as the other three agree with her.

"Yeah. Agreed."


"Don't have to ask me twice."

And as they were paddling away, Ercole notices them leaving, and also just noticed that Y/n was with them.

"Ah, Ciccio! The motor! They are slowly getting away with mia bellezza!" Ercole tells Ciccio. Ciccio tried to start the motor, but for some reason, it wouldn't start. This gets Ercole even more annoyed. "Guido, slap Ciccio."

Guido does what he's told and slaps him, but lightly. But this only makes Ercole to exclaim out in Italian. "With contempt!" He then tells Guido.

Back with the others, Y/n is just glad that she's now away from Ercole. She wasn't thinking that she would see him again like this.

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