He could feel her even and long rhythmic breathing next to him.

He hesitated for a moment before he put down his coffee and lifted the jacket on himself to place it over her shoulder

Tong Yao only knew that she had dozed off for a while.

She was woken up by the jolt of the plane as it landed. She looked up and around in a daze and breathed a sigh of relief when realized the plane had landed. She lifted her hand to wipe her mouth: "Such a bad landing, I'm going to file a complaint......Ur, Little Fatty, do I have saliva on my face?"

"No." Little Fatty, whose face had a red mark from sleeping on the small table, looked quite confused as well. "But you have Cheng Ge's jacket on you."

Tong Yao looked down and saw a long sleeve jacket resting on her lap. The jacket was last year's winter uniform, with the word "Chessman" embroidered on the back-- --Tong Yao stared at the jacket for a while until a large hand besides her reached over and took it away......

"It's common sense to bring a jacket onto the airplane during summer time."


"You won't survive for three days if you traveled by yourself."


Tong Yao kept quiet since she was the one who had been taken care of and it was only common courtesy not to throw a retort back.

It was two o'clock in the morning when they arrived at the prearranged hotel in C City. Considering that they had to get up at eight o'clock the next morning to get ready for the event, Tong Yao simply washed up and went right to bed......She could swear that she had only closed her eyes for a short moment before the alarm woke her up.

Irritated, Tong Yao got up to take shower, blow dry her hair, and change into a clean uniform before heading downstairs. She had just taken a sip of the juice at the breakfast table when the organizer began to hurry them so they could get their makeup done......The other members were still half asleep from waking so early. Only Tong Yao, who was accustomed to waking early and couldn't function without breakfast, was getting angry at how they were being treated-- --

"Didn't you say we only needed to meet at nine thirty to get our makeup? It's only eight thirty."

"The organizer said that since you're all here, we might as well to get there early so we won't run into traffic."

"......So early. What exactly is the event for?"

"We're only responsible for transporting you guys. As for the itinerary, you'll have to ask the person in charge after you get there!"


What kind of organizer would plan a surprise for the team after they got there?

-- --This was Tong Yao's first wave of anger. Her anger was at about 25%.

They got on the bus and arrived at the anime convention. Xiao Rui managed to get a bottle of yogurt for Tong Yao while they were in the make up room. Tong Yao surveyed her surroundings as she drank her yogurt-- --She noticed that there were many people coming in with staff badges asking pictures. Xiao Rui stopped them, then they turned around to ask for autographs. Some of them only asked Lu Sicheng, Old K, or Ming god to sign their autograph books. But some of the others seemed to have the attitude: "since I'm here, don't miss anyone of them" and they would ask for an autograph from each one of the players in the room......

Lu Sicheng, though aloof, was quite patient, not refusing any request for an autograph. Tong Yao, on the other hand, had been irritated since she'd got off the bed and compounded with her low blood-sugar, no one looked agreeable to her......She counted in silence in her mind until the thirteenth person reached her with an autograph book. She thought to herself that thirteen was a good number and then her first explosion occurred-- --

She pushed back the book into the person's hand: "I'm not signing anymore. I'm doing makeup right now. How many times do I have to be interrupted? Rui Ge, can't you stop them."

She deliberately raised her voice so everyone could hear her in the room.

Xiao Rui, with an expression as if to say "now you're talking", chimed in: "Ah, ah? Oh, oh, I got it. I'll go tell them now."

The person asking for Tong Yao's autograph was a girl about the same age as her. She was wearing the cheongsam style uniform of the showgirls, probably a college student doing a side job. She had come in several times before to ask for autographs, obviously doing it for other people......Now she had been refused by Tong Yao. Though she was embarrassed, she didn't say anything before leaving with the book.

"Good job." Tong Yao's makeup artist rolled her eyes. "How many times I have been interrupted this morning. It took me four times to finish drawing the eye lines-- --These people like to brag to their friends that they can go backstage to see so and so and ask their friends whether they would like autographs, then they barge in here! I tell you I've seen enough of them. They probably don't even know who you are exactly, other than the fact that you're a famous game player."

Tong Yao: "Oh." She didn't carry the conversation further but lifted her face up for the makeup artist to continue her work.

-- --That was the second wave of anger. Now her anger level was about 50%.

After they were finished with makeup, Tong Yao sat on the couch eating crackers. She saw the girl who she'd turn away sneak back several times. Everytime, she would bypass her and go directly to Lu Sicheng and the others......Tong Yao rolled her eyes and thought: go ahead, you guys just kept pretending to be gentlemen. She grabbed her cell phone to look at Weibo-- --

She noticed someone had @ her and opened it. It was probably a fan who had @ her at a certain Weibo post. The content of the post was as follows-- --

[Kitten meow: I'm working at the show table for xx Tech today. I heard that a famous esports team sponsored by a telecom company is here. Many of my friends are fans of them. I figure I'd try to do everyone a favor. Fortunately, these people seem quite nice, no one refused to sign for me-- --Except, the only female member of their team is rather arrogant, like she's so special. She wouldn't give me an autograph when she's doing her makeup......It doesn't matter, looks like she isn't famous anyway. Xixi, so arrogant, she doesn't seem to deserve her fame?]

Under the post there were many comments: "A girl playing on a professional team?" "She's probably just a staff member. Tsk, tsk, making a fuss about nothing!" "Hahaha, I think I know who you're talking about. To tell the truth, she pisses me off. What's there for her to be cocky about!"......

Tong Yao: "......"

Now she was very angry.

She mumbled some curses and threw her cell phone onto the couch......

-- --That was the third wave of anger. Now she was 75% of the way to her limit.

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