Chapter One

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"Please, I've told you everything I know!"

My exacerbated cries bounced off the steel and concrete walls, pain shooting through my arms from the tough grip of the tall, stocky men who dragged my weak body through the halls. The soles of my feet barely touching the cold, dingy floor. Like a child pulling their favorite stuffed teddy behind them.

One of each of their hands were firmly digging into the back on my arm, their other hands gripping the handguns hidden in their holsters. Ready to send a bullet into my skull the second I stepped out of line.

We arrive at my door, the sound of the numerous locks being opened were my only way of knowing my location, as my eyesight barely worked in my delirious state.

The grips around my arms faulted, a brief relief before a firm push forces me forward, my malnourished body collapsing onto the cold floor of my cell.

"Doctor Stevens will see you in the morning" One of the guards told me blankly as I pulled myself from the ground onto the small single bed in the corner of the room, the only furniture in this dingy place aside from a small bedside table, and a lamp which sat on top.  "Oh, wonderful" I muttered sarcastically under my breath. "Enjoy your night" The other guard told me with a snarky tone, a slight smirk on his face as he shut the door, leaving me in the darkness, all alone.

My eyes snap open. It was just another nightmare. I look around my room, grounding myself back into reality. The sun was beaming through my bedside window, the curtains doing nothing to shield me from it.

I take a deep breath as I sit up in my king-size bed, calming my nerves that were still slightly jumping. I'd been having these nightmares ever since I escaped that dreadful place. I had gotten much better at controlling my emotions over the years, but what they did to me, the experiments, the torture...They still haunted my dreams.

I could swap my old dirty mattress for this memory foam, I could swap my old, dingy room for my bright and colourful one I now spent my time in, but I couldn't change the memories attacking me every night.

I look down and see my skin had returned to its natural icy blue, small ice crystals dotting my palms. My body was subconsciously getting ready to defend me, though the threat had long since expired.

It made me uncomfortable when people saw me like this, but I had learned how to control it to a certain extent. I could will my skin into a more socially acceptable porcelain colour. Though sometimes I longed for the confidence to just rock my natural skin, being a trans woman in the public eye is already dangerous enough, without further segregation.

Now, only my arms, or the parts of me touching ice would turn blue uncontrollably. I didn't need the public seeing my true form. I'm sure they had before, in the heat of battle my skin colour isn't at the top of my head, but I prefer to blend into the crowd when I'm not fighting. You can't really do that when you look like Mystique.

The ice slowly fades as I swing my legs out of bed and onto the soft faux fur rug underneath me.

"I should get some breakfast" I think to myself, my stomach rumbling on cue. Suddenly, my coms system on the nightstand starts beeping rapidly, signalling the avengers needed me. "Never mind" I sigh as I pick it up and slip in my earpiece. So much for my day off...

"Yin! We need you at the tower, urgent meeting." The familiar voice of the one and only Steve Rodgers told me as soon as I answered the call. "On my way, Captain. Is there a problem?" I ask, already springing up and walking over to my closet. You never know what you're going to hear when you get a call, it could be the latest alien invasion just touched down, or bickering over what pizza to order for the next avengers get together.

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