Wait!! I'm Curing Who?!

Start from the beginning

"Oh really? Let me guess? In First grade?"
She snorted.

"No. Senior year of highschool, first day, first class out of 6. He was kind and warm... He did show interest in me. Even kept me after class to share some of my sketches."
I chuckled at the idiotic memory.
"He told me that he liked me... but then..."

I studied the brick wall furiously as I tried not to let the memory eat my soul from within,
"Then he invited me to his wedding day... And I rejected it. I hated him... till this day..."

The room was silent as I felt my voice cracking as I cleared my throat.

"But anyways, don't fall for the teacher when he doesn't show interest. He's not worth the heartache..."
I concluded as the black haired girl nodded in silence.
"Interesting.... I think I can use this one to my advantage..."

The day went on, and Bioetiquette was wonderful. The protocols, the uniforms, to our conduct and history of proper procedures.
The bell chimed again and my new professor gave a smile as she slowly packed her bags,

12:55 pm-

"That was a ride wasn't it? Remember, I want assignments due by Thursday of our next class session! Put into practice all you learn here, these are essential to a nurse like oxygen to an asthmatic. And Thursday, we'll talk about the 4 Core Attributes a Nurse must have.
Hope that left ya on a cliffhanger! Haha! I best be going, have a wonderful rest of the day!"

She laughed and walked out into the hallway. Before we turned to speak,

"Oh! Afternoon Mr.Octavian! I left them all properly seated!"
Mrs. Charlotte's voice chirped.

Immediately we sat back straight and faced towards the board, palms sweaty and throats dry as the sound of shoes was heard.

"Afternoon. You all seem to be in order. That said, let's get straight into it."
He huffed, taking out his markers again and beginning class straightaway.

I got out my own stationary as I learned from last time that he uses a lot of colors.

"Ah!" His voice spoke up to our direction, "See here at this classmate who is ready to meet my expectations. She has colored pencils to differentiate what from what, and I expect you all by Wednesday to do the same. Nothing more nothing less."

The class was eerily silent as Nadiya smirked in my direction.

A little praise wasn't a cue for me to swoon, but she sure expected it to.

"Now, what is a cell? Well, like us, they have a body system to work. Listen and write, Cells create Tissue, Tissues make up Independent Organs, Independent Organs create systems, and a whole system creates a body! A body that functions and works marvelously. And then there are in betwe...-"

Lady... Remember...

I jolted as my blue pencil fell down and rolled towards Nadiya's side.
She handed it over quickly and quietly while Octavian wasn't looking.

'Thank you..!'
I mouthed, gaining a smile and a nod as she continued writing.

I shook the voice of the mouse away, being reminded I still had something to do. I took a swing of my tea and began writing my notes again.

Class ended the same way, Octavian leaving with an emotionless good bye and the class waited for him to leave. They stood up and began packing up to leave as the bell chimed.

2:50 pm-

"Hey, gotta run! My mom's picking me up to help her at her home so, I'll see you two weirdos tomorrow 'kay?"
Paula smiled as she waved and left.

Healing Hearts! Precure! - A Fanmade Precure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now